Just a thread shitting on there incompetence.
Splatoon 2:
NA: "I'ma remix your face!"
NA: "I'ma dubstomp you into oblivion!"
EU: "I will take back what is mine!"
EU: "Time...to...put an end...to you!"
Can we just make fun of NOA?
Wow so classy EU lool
I thought it already known that NoA and Treehouse are terrible localizers?
>"Time...to...put an end...to you!"
Was he autistic?
That's Europe you're talking about
>EU: "I will take back what is mine!"
>EU: "Time...to...put an end...to you!"
Imagine thinking this is better
>there incompetence
>there are "people" who want NoA to get their hands on Mother 3
I'ma dubstomp you into oblivion!
Time...to...put an end...to you!
JP version of Octavio is puns, why shouldn't the translated version be funky?
>Drop the sea bass!
>things getting a little tense
>"Time...to...put an end...to you!" and wink
One version is a call back to the Squid wars where the octolings lost and got exiled underground, the other is... dubstep you into oblivion.
Octavio was the one good thing NOA did for Splatoon. Also, that's Splatoon 1 text, not Splatoon 2 text. NOE didn't have a seperate localization in Splatoon 2.
"Callback" lmfao you kids take this too seriously
The other references how he's a dj
You're just mad that NOA doesn't take a kid's game seriously
>haha music puns
I made a mistake, wrong game. I still disagree that NOA are competent in any way shape or form. The point of translating is to preserve the meaning, his og text is a call back to the Octolings exile, the former loses this meaning entirely.
who are you quoting?
this guy obviously
but the text is all wrong
I've railed against Treehouse before, but Octavio's NOA localization is leagues above NOE's. NOE's version of Octavio is dry and generic. NOA's Octavio at least tries to go for a fun hammy DJ, which fits more with his appearance, the fight's tone and aesthetic, and the game's 90s inspired feel. NOA's dialogue also works far better as boss banter and is one of the reasons why Splatoon 1's final boss fight is so memorable.
There's plenty of reasons to go after NOA. especially when it comes to Splatoon, but this isn't one of them.
Are you sure about that?
yes. No.504933095 doesn't have any all-caps parts that No.504934962 does
NoA also went back and toned down Marina's sass after backlash.
Its true, they fucked up at the start.
>Trying to know NOA for Splatoon when FE Fates exists
Oh user, they never stopped fucking up.
>there incompetence
what other fuck ups have they made?
Still pushing memes in the dialogue, still fucking up characterization, and still leaving out information for no reason. The most egregious example is Frostyfest, Family vs Friends, where for some reason the localization completely leaves out Marina's friendship with the other Octoling DJs and how she was planning a DJ rave with them by New Years.