Frame rate or graphics

Frame rate or graphics

Answer me right fucking now

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Frame rate up to 30fps, then graphics up to 55fps

based, although I'd question if that would suffer more with poor frame rate than graphics


Depends on the game but I'd usually rather have 30fps with the best graphics possible than sacrifice graphics for that 60.

Again though, depends on the game


Graphics are the 2nd least important aspect of games. Story is least important.

frame rate


0 FPS = no graphics. Checkmate atheist.

graphics don't affect how the game actually plays
framerate does

I've dealt with 60fps being the standard benchmark of quality for a whole now so having that be the normal I'd say graphics

Having a stupidly high framerate seems like itd have diminishing returns save for recording slow motion video from games

like most people here, it depends.
but, I can excuse bad graphics, I can't excuse a choppy framerate

There are good games with super low FPS and awful graphics, like FAITH
And there are games with high framerates and good graphics like Monster Hunter World
What really makes these games good is the fact that they are fun.


I don't get sick if the graphics aren't that good looking

what kind console pleb question is this? Frame rates of course. I'm not playing no game online with shitty below 80 fps. I turn the settings down all the way if I have to


this was not part of the choices


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What are you gonna do, shoot me?

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Frame rate every fucking time. What most people fail to mention in these threads is that a game LOOKS better at a higher framerate. A game with 10/10 graphics running at 20fps will look good in screenshots but look like complete ass in motion. A game that looks like shit but runs like butter can at least make up for it in fluidity of movement and gameplay.

Are you guys shitposting? Framerate affects gameplay, graphics do not.

Framerate. I mix/max my graphics settings for the best possible FPS always.

Frame rate. Graphics go right next to "compelling story/plot" and "30+ hours long minimum" as among the least important parts of a game.

Back during the shit PS1 days, sure this could be a tougher question. Now, it's frame rate, no question.

>framerate: Yes / No

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30fps with stable pacing > 60fps+ no aa

False. A still image is 0fps but still has graphics.

That's a complicated question. It depends on what you mean by graphics.

Nigger an image needs at least 1 frame.

>he has to choose

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A man chooses

medium@60fps at least

neither, i play on the switch

Step 1: graphics to max
Step 2: if not smooth lower graphics
Step 3: repeat Step 2 until smooth

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You can have both, but if you're referring to consoles than I choose fidelity as long as the freamerate is stable. If I cared about 60 fps I would build a gaming PC.

A cat get scratches behind his ears.

1 frame forever is no frame per second