how that gaming chair holding up?
How that gaming chair holding up?
I was going to get one but the whole virus put me in a rock and a hard place financially. I'm making do with a folding chair that's actually breaking down more and more because of how old it is.
Markus is fucking indestructible. No wonder they are coming with 10 years warranty.
China truly is a land of wonders
I hope to get a nice used expensive chair for a low price after all this blows over from offices that need to recover some costs from the hit this all did.
Thanks bro I needed that. But I don't come with 10 years warranty?
Pretty good. I'm trying to find the best way to play resident evil 1996 on it. I can't find the uncensored pc version and the psxe kind of looks like shit
I want to get a wobble stool and improve my posture. thoughts?
one year was working outside doing stuff. there was some 60 year old. he had folding chair that he used because it's easy to use outside for obvious reasons. he said it's 30 years old. similar to pic related but old
Nothing better than a forged chair, which is 100% metal and not your stupid shit that will kill you because it is made by starving suicidal chinks.
This. The Markus is great because not only is it comfy, but it filters manlets at the same time.
How do you find such sales? Craignlist?
Enjoy your roids, bruh
cope, Todd.
it's comfy
My desk is pretty low. What chair should I get that can get low enough for me to comfortably type/use my mouse on?
Slightly used
No really, you have zero ventilation in your fucking anusu. You'll develop them unless you are one of those lucky bastards that never do.
did you steal the chair from a cinema?
using HM Mirra2. It's good.
hahaha what if somebody paid a lot for that chair? you know, if you left it dirty hahahaha
using the same sofa for years, console faggots btfo
how tall are you, just curious since youre saying you're comfy there
It's been 15 years. This chair is amazing.
"Gaming Chairs" are fucking shit, if you want a decent chair get one that is office certified for 8 hours use per day, you will never go back
user these threads are 99% shills.
I've had the chair for six years without them or any other issues so far. It's either luck or there are more factors than just the chair.
I got hemorrhoids while on some blood thinning meds once. I wiped my ass and there was this massive swab of blood. Freaked me out. Thought I had colon cancer. Always see a doctor but the old butt blood problem.
how does somebody become so degenerate that they shit them selves
imagine le fragrance
This, using a refurbished quality office chair and it's great. The only upgrade would be monitor chairs but they cost thousands.
I h ave the same audiotechnicas, based.
I don't like how mesh chairs feel but bonded leather can lick my ass. They always start peeling after about 2 years
I suppose you don't sit for long then.
hhahaa, omg i bet you are obsese, its not normal to get
that's someone sitting for years naked without properly wiping his ass
Based im on a shitty 100$ office chair fees like I’m sitting on plywood
Everyone does, me included. They are popular as fuck.
who would want that haha
Underages not welcome.
t. chair shitter
Uh isn't that her period? haha
Disagree, Markus is not comfy at all... It's ok for the price but nothing more.
DS is the best version. Not kidding or baiting.
I sit for at least 10+ hours each day. More on days where I work because I just sit all day there too. I take breaks to exercise but that's a drop in the water compared to how long i'm sitting, time wise.
It doesn't breath, it has way too much lean, and no headrest. I need to upgrade.
Any suggestions, ascended chairfags?
Pretty decently, I'm not sure if I built it wrong or if it's just how it's made but the back tends to lean side to side on me. Dunno what it could be though, I put all the screws where they were supposed to go and all I had left were a few spares. I know they're spares cause this chair was meant for easy assembly and so all the screws were separated into little sectors and these were a mixed bag with Spare under them.
Then you might be of the lucky ones. I have to sit down and wake up constantly, I have to not stay in the pc for long periods (10 hours is the best). My chair is specially forged full of steel, no fucking covers or plastic, and it has several holes so my fucking butthole can vent. After getting it and keeping a normal well rounded diet, I haven't had any more trouble. Still get rekt if I do long trips sitting though.
I did, though, and now 4 years later, I'm ready for a replacement. The seat cushion also started to wear it like a year later, but I bought an extra cushion for it.
The chair is older than I am, and it squeaks like crazy. It's not soft anymore and I hate it.
Are racing chairs a meme? If so, what's the real premium shit when it comes to office chairs. I don't mind spending up to say $250 when it comes to something I'll be sitting on 90% of my day.
If there is better shit at a higher price than that, and isn't placebo please tell me.
but your the only one in this thread with this problem, everyone here sits for 24/7 on a chair. your theory about your anus needing venting is retarded
I'm glad I bought Aeron. I'm spending the whole day in it and never get tired.
I've had a few guests tell me it looks uncomfortable and then after trying it out, asking where they can get one for themselves.
That sounds unfortunate. Maybe i'm lucky but I really haven't heard of people having any hemorrhoid issues using this chair. What chair do you have now?
i know of one but its $399
It is fine.
Well, idk how you bastards do it. I have developed my roids since I was 15. And before mods ban me, I am 30+, fuck off.
please for the love of god I need a good chair under 100 dollars please don't make me use these shitty leather office max chairs any longer
there exist some bleeding ass syndrom that some people have, chronic illness, maybe its that
>good chair under $100
Craigslist or Facebook marketplace my friend. Don't buy new if money is an issue.
I am sure it is roids, I stopped having problems like I said, after I took recommendations.
Also I am not a retard and asked several medics, but all of them just said to use a shitty roid cream and it barely worked, but I was already rekt by then.
I will probably spend the stimulus bux on a gaymer chair. My spine would be grateful.
if you do get a "racing chair", make sure it can recline the back. if it has two adjustable pedals instead of just one, it can recline.
This image served to make sure I always buy chairs that either have a thick as fuck metal plate between my ass and the ANUS DESTROYER or are designed differently so as not to have a thick metal tube that my ass can suddenly descend on like a striking Dragoon.