Yo I'm bored as fuck. Are the Halo games fun solo? considering picking up MCC on steam.
Yo I'm bored as fuck. Are the Halo games fun solo? considering picking up MCC on steam
Halo was never good, so no.
Play them in coop bro
I don't have any friends
Play CE for historical context. 2 is better but short. Reach has better gameplay and graphics but less SOUL
ce campaign is pretty replayable and mp is fun.other than that,wait for 2 and 3 to drop and forget the rest of the games
Or just play 123 and pretend it ended in motherfucking 3, like it should have.
Yes, they are really fun single-player games. And the multiplayer has that old school play for fun vibe If you wish for more content after finishing the story mode.
Halo is an alright game and worth exploration.
I had a lot of fun playing the Halo CE trial on PC as a child, which was CTF on Blood Gulch. Nowadays I've played an hour or so of MCC MP and it's an alright goofbag arena shooter with very slow movement speed.
Having played Halo 1 2 3 and 4 campaigns on Xbox recently, I believe Halo 4 is the only campaign worth playing (it's not on the MCC yet). It's also the easiest one by far. The reasoning here is that Halo 4 has copious amounts of long range weapons and ammo so you can spend the entire game killing enemies safely using your aim. The other three games are more like a Dark Souls type experience where you have to work out bizarre inane tactics that don't make logical sense, and where you spend a lot of time at point blank range using very inaccurate weapons to spray away at enemies. The flood levels are particularly arduous. I beat Halo 1 2 and 3 on varying degrees of easy and normal difficulty, while I beat Halo 4 on legendary. (actually I got to midway through the final level and gave up because one of the final fights was too hard, but I had already beaten it on regular so I know what happens in the rest of the campaign anyway)
As a PC campaign shooter, Halo is inferior to the 1990s Doom games in every way other than graphics and system performance. It's designed for consoletards sitting on their couch who are primarily cerebral players rather than athletic players. To play the game you won't be doing staggering feats of intelligence like you might in Doom, but instead you'll be grinding away until you figure out the pattern of enemy movements or luck out and proceed to the next checkpoint.
CE is the only good game play it on Legendary.
Legendary is for fucking masochists.
Red vs blue first 5 seasons was soul
only if you're a retard and shit at fps
use covenant weapons to diminish shields and human weapons to finish them off
>I fall for your meme and go and play CE for like 3 missions on "muh hardcore gaymer difficulty, git gudder"
>It is just a shitfest of seeing how to exploit the idiotic AI (in multiplayer how to exploit the retarded people as well)
>I eventually learn the tactics and it becomes so retardedly boring I just quit
Awesome game, no doubt.
so you're a retard, thanks for clearing it up i can leave this thread now
>"I believe Halo 4 is the only campaign worth playing"
Are you serious? The original trilogy is the best. Reach and after is where the series got worse.
>2 is better
What a fucking idiot. Halo 1 has. by far, the best campaign.
>Halo 4 is the only campaign worth playing
Holy shit, the opinions in this thread...
Imagine sucking this much.
For me the first three games are basically like Doom 1993 except low movement speed, weak guns, and corridor maps. You sit there spraying away and throwing grenades because you will never have enough long range ammo to pick off everyone from a distance.
Yeah, CE is the best
Reach is fun but the worst of the Bungie games
2 is great
3 is fun but the campaign is like half the size of CE and 2
ODST is great but like half the size of 3
The CE campaign on MCC is fucked
Reach would've been fine without the stupid armor abilities and new weapons set in a game BEFORE fucking Halo 1-3.
>Are the Halo games fun
CE campaign is fantastic. It has that old school single player campaign feel and some of the stuff that was mind blowing back then, like the AI, still holds up today. I think not many games get this much love put into the SP. It’s either about multiplayer or, “immersive cinematic experiences” with console games today.
The weapons and hitboxes are well made and the game feels natural worth M&K. You might get annoyed at the low accuracy of some of the weapons though.
Yes, CE and 3 are great, the Chief sections in 2 are great, 4 was decent, 5 is fun to play but that's it.
I never owned an Xbox so I only played 1 & 2. I thought 2 felt gimmicky and rushed. But it had style and was unique. Like, the decision to use modern alt rock music in two parts of the campaign was so strange. And other stuff. It felt experimental and progressive. It definitely feels like the black sheep of the series.
That’s a noob strategy. Might as well be playing on easy.
Legendary + no checkpoints skull is a unique gameplay experience
Your way of playing these games is very strange to me...
I already fucki g left retard stop fucking posting back to me
Seems you can't comprehend enemy intelligence beyond standing still and,firing at the player
Doom fans really are retarded afterall huh