Why don't we hold rockstar to the same standards as EA?

why don't we hold rockstar to the same standards as EA?

>GTA online has literal pay walls
>overpriced items encouraging micro transactions
>take away features that helped players make money easily like the sell missions where we dropped off a duffle bag, not turned our game into mailman simulator
>don't patch glitches that make players lose money
>encourage players to use NAT glitches, effectively converting a multiplayer game into a singleplayer one

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After Gta5 I do.
Rockstar can go fuck itself.

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Omggggg nooooooo, paywalls in a fucking online game, ooooh nooooooooo, how am I supposed to protect my virginity now??? Nooooooo, fuck Rockstar, oooooooo

post your nose

The worst company for me is Riot. They're EA without any of the hate. They've got a giant dedicated fanbase too that's very outspoken.

Fuck you, I'm wearing facial cream now.


By not playing Grind Theft Auto?

>calls me virgin
>grinds in online videogame to get virtual objects that'll be obsolete in GTA 6
>or spends real world money on a game you paid $60

can't be beta and make fun of others my dude

>GTA online has literal pay walls
Wrong, I haven't spent a single cent and I own everything, contrary to what retards believe, you don't need to own every single vehicle released.
>take away features that helped players make money easily like the sell missions where we dropped off a duffle bag, not turned our game into mailman simulator
They haven't removed anything, they patched glitches but they have been constantly adding ways to earn passive income.

If you aren't an impatient kid, there's not a single problem with how a Progression based game is handled.

Only edgy teenagers ever tolerated Rockstar Games (or Cuckshit Gaymes as I like to call them)

Rockstar of David has a rabidly loyal fanbase of teenagers who actually think they're the 'good guys' in this industry.

Rockstar, yes, it's obvious they keep sneaking in new ways to cheese the game and make quick and easy money, take two are the ones asking for mtx.

Case in point

Nu-R* is as jewish as EA, and should be held to the same standard. The problem is that at one point in time, R* actually made good single player games instead of money laundering devices.

>playing cloud simulator
>in the year 1997+23

>I have never played GTAO but I think I have a valid opinion

there's literally 3 in game items that would require a week of grinding just because you're a wizard doesn't mean we all are

so a cargo planes being used to sell cargo on business missions is a glitch? a cargo plane being used as a cargo plane is a glitch? gg

Because rockstar shills are all over this board

You mean that crap that took way longer to setup and it was only useful to make the first drop? That's your main concern?

>completely ignores pay wall argument
>tHats Ur mAin ConCern?

no it isnt, reading is fundamental

I'm responding to your post, retard, you are bitching they took away a "feature" that was pretty much useless, the rest is uninormed crap and not an argument, next time try to make a proper argument if you want to be taken seriously.

because EA makes terrible games

no you're responding to half my post lmao how fucking dumb

nigga watches Ben shapiro

Hi, I see you watched the Gypsy video, too.

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mmmm nyesss

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Why would I respond to uninformed crap? What are those "literally 3 in game items"? How is that even relevant to my post? And how do you know it wasn't a glitch, it's clear they never intended Cargo to be carried by planes or helicopters.

Whether it was "useful", which it wasn't, it's irrelevant.

because cargo planes are designed for cargo

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>all this time I was talking to a wojack retard
I should have guessed.

Because they still work hard, make massive single player games and make quality others devs haven't been able to. Most People actually making games respect them still.

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Why is Red Dead Redemption seen as the superior franchise to GTA? No doubt who's more popular but even die hard GTA fanboys admit that they think RDR is higher quality.

Is this more journalism conditioning? GTA IV >>>> RDR1/2

please explained where I criticized the singleplayer aspect thanks

Every post in this thread is wrong.
It's because Rockstar isn't the publisher responsible for all of that shit, Take-Two is.

Exactly, they have no rights anymore. They're told what to do by Take-two and investors. About the only freedom they have is single-player

And they created Valorant. Fuck Valorant

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Lol how? RDR2 does everything GTA IV does but better

>muh attention to detail
>muh focus on story
>muh interactive world

RDR2 does it way better

story was way cooler

online is ass though

even upped the pay to win aspect
