Why do threds keep getting deleted? I enter them only to see them deleted soon after. Is animal crossing going to get its own board soon or something?
Animal crossing thread
Other urls found in this thread:
mods are upset about hacker user.
post dodo
Stop spamming
Stop hacking
Stop posting furry shit
Not complicated at all
That would be nice
Sprinkle is giving out log bed DIYs at the bottom left of the island and there's other DIYs in front of the airport for anyone who needs them
>stop posting furry shit
That's gonna be impossible in an AC thread
Can we keep the island ideas thread alive? I need some inspiration to design
This, fuck jannies, if you dont like these threads make another containment board.
Fair, I just want dodos and niggas to post their avatars and discuss fashion
What hacker?
The tranny janny is fighting a losing battle. Delete one thread and a dozen will rise in its place. He'll give up eventually.
Obviously not, because they'd ban him
turnips at 305
no fee, just please leave a post on the message board
So hacking games is against the rules of Yas Forums now?
Hacker user?
How dare we discuss the latest big Nintendo videogame release, Animal Crossing: New Hroizons, on this board called Yas Forums - Videogames. We must have lost our damn minds.
jannies don't have the power to do that
>Don't time travel because that's cheating
>but hacking is okay
>all of these FF7 threads
>persona threads too
>”two AC threads max is too many go to the general reeeeee”
Most likely it’s the hacking
All these people complaining about hackeranon are fags
Alien bro dunno if you got this yet but posting again if you haven't
I'm not a hacker I'm a brainlet clicking buttons on a save editor
I don't think that's it. I've been banned before for shitposting pretty quickly. I'm still going right now. Reloading my island currently.
It's spamming and derailing threads, so yes it is.
Ever since we got new Jannies, they've been fucking this place up. What happened to the old jannies??
>newfag janny doesn't realize mass thread deletions make their problem worse, EVERY FUCKING TIME
Don't worry they'll figure it out soon enough.
There's a huge increase of traffic since hacker user, 100% positive most the people right now aren't solely from Yas Forums and were told about it from somewhere else.
don't care about either. I'm bored of this game and the only thing I enjoy is money making. if i can ruin the economy with this it'd be the most fun
Someone brick their switch with unlimited gold, money, crowns, villagers, and NMT.
Hacker user I know you seem like the type to revel in the absolute chaos but for the love of god please use turnip exchange
I'm not gonna actively move my clock forward or backward but if someone posts a Dodo code to an island full of free shit I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.
Might as well complain about people abusing turnip prices
>Yas Forums is one person
>Yas Forums is one person
ADHD people deserve the rope but dont prune a thread for being about an aspect of a VIDEO GAME
I devote myself to captcha just to keep animal crossing threads up. I WILL GET BANNED FOR ANIMAL CROSSING
You're not ruining any economy. You're cheating and using it as an excuse to do so when you weren't participating in said economy in the first place.
someone let me buy bushes
People criticize people for hacking, but not the people selling villagers for $50 on ebay.
and for what? for someone to actually post their Dodo code and for others to join? Not him by the way.
Is it possible to get a Villager at the campsite to move in even if I already have 10 Villagers? They aren't from an amiibo.
I'll give it a go. Never used it before.
Raymond prices are in free fall
You shoulda sold when you could, now youre gonna lost it all
stay mad
Ill give you mine post dodo
So you're just giving free stuff?
Eh, you do you my man.
Why would I criticize people taking advantage of dumb coomers?
Actual retard
>implying thread derailing is new for ACNH alone
We’re just missing waterbug simping
/vp/ has injector threads all the time so i don't see why this is a problem
I think both are fucking stupid desu
How do you think they get those villagers to constantly resell them dumbass?
Animal Crossing inspires much autism in the community (and jannies, it would seem)
now I have to do a lot of rearranging
Ive got Axel i boxes, I'll post dodo if anyone wants to take my boy
I think so. Be advised i could be wrong but they will choose a random villager to kick out
Yes keep talking to them, but they'll ask to switch places with one of your villagers.
If you dont like the villager they chose, close your game before pressing A after they name the villager, and it'll reset to a random one.
I'm not mad, I'm disappointed that these once fun threads have devolved into this. although I shouldn't be surprised.
Gib flag pole
There really isn't a way for it to have any issues, realistically. Nintendo isn't going to ban other Switch consoles just for connecting to a banned one. Imagine if someone took theirs to a local event and played with a bunch of people at once.
From a technical perspective it doesn't make any sense to do that. The console isn't going to take logs of the certificate or serial number of whatever it connects to, and then on the next network connection check with Nintendo to see if that person was banned.
On top of that, that approach wouldn't work with banned consoles who use Incognito, as the whole idea behind Incognito is that all of your personal identifying info is gone. There would be nothing for the legit Switch to report back home.
It's the same case as Pokemon.
Please this is fun bro. Were fighting for our ac thread. Making jannies mad is a big bonus
can someone provide celeste's diys?
Good shit bro glad you like it. And thank you for posting the picture it makes me happy
How the fuck are you so good at making these
Please just let me add to a cart, this is so stupid
Nigger I see no problem with one of those things
Anyone have taurus fragments they want to trade to me?
>talks about crashing the market
>posts it on Yas Forums instead of on the discord
imagine bricking your console for nook tickets
Get fucked discord tranny
I can fix that
Yas Forums is just the first step. get your shit from Yas Forums then ruin the discords
Fuck discord.
Yeah I want an Alien villager and the new alien lore in this one's pretty intense. Apparently there's also a UFO that shows up late at night in the far corner of the sky or something but it's unconfirmed.
I figured without a star observatory and Celeste I would make a space area behind the museum and adding aliens is the best theme I can think of.
>tfw I want 9/10 of my Villagers to move out
Thank you for the response, Anons. I'll definitely take Bianca over Moose or Bubbles.
That's a butt