Why do I hate the remake turks so much
Why do I hate the remake turks so much
dont question just consoom
Rude is based, you are cringe
because you got filtered
cuz ur a faget
I liked them. Reno is awesome and I think Rude and Reno make a good team. Reno doesn't really seem that strong, but I bet he could easily go toe to toe with a SOLDIER. Maybe not first class, but I bet he could handle 3rd or 2nd class at least. Also it's pretty clear that Turks carry some kind of authority above the rank and file and what not. They're at least like officers or so. Pretty sure they actually have authority over SOLDIERS.
I was always confused though, like how do Turks get their powers/abilities? Do they just train or do they also get infused with mako? Reno can like flash step or some shit and that was pretty cool. I think it's gay that he chose a security baton as his weapon. A katana or knife would have been better, but maybe he just is against killing?
Reno and Rude are cool
I hope we can fight Tseng in part 2
Elena is incompetent and always reveals the plans
In Crisis Core, you learned from Tseng that the Turks are paid better than SOLDIER
SOLDIERS are the biggest bitch
Nice touch when Rude doesn’t attack Tifa
Well, obviously the Turks are paid better. They have authority over SOLDIER and get to wear suits, plus in the game you can tell they get treated better as a whole in the Shinra group.
*drops plate on Tifa's head*
A good materia loadout significantly closes the gap between normies and SOLDIERs.
Also, Reno is supposed to be a delinquent archetype.
SOLDIERs get all the glory, and all they have to do is stay in shape(arguably made easier thanks to mako infusion) and follow orders. The pay is less, but you're basically taken care of throughout your entire career and most people love you. As a Turk, you're expected to do some dirty, nasty shit in the shadows and people will either just not know who the fuck you are or they'll outright despise you. The job is inherently more complicated and requires a certain level of effective personal discretion, something that your mako crazy unga bunga SOLDIER usually won't be capable of. It's a fair trade-off.
I would pay them better. You see way more Turks leading missions, and they don't have a death date like a SOLIDER, so you need to keep em happy even into retirement.
Poor Rude, it's not easy to go bald
Cause you have shit taste. The remake Turks were great.
I liked that during the pillar battle you hate these assholes for genociding a whole sector, but at the same time they have these cool little moments where they were concerned for and saved each other.
They actual remind me a lot of Thundercracker (Rude) and Skywarp (Reno) from G1 Transformers.
In Junon there is a bar for bald men
Rude looks based though? I think he pulls off the bald look really well, plus BLACK LEATHER GLOVES.
I think SOLIDERs having fan clubs and being seen as heroes is some gay ass shit. I'm not saying it's even bad writing or anything it's alot like how totalitarian governments will prop up people as heroes of the people and the state, I just personally find it gay.
having a fight in the church was a mistake
Dude looks like Mister Worldwide, it's a good look for a Latino man.
Reno is a manlet like Cloud :-(
SOLDIERS life is short
President says they die early
What does that have to do with them having fan clubs.
besides all the gay ghost shit, is the game actually good?
It always bothered me how Cloud and the gang never straight up murdered the turks after they killed thousands of people and jessie. They even become buddy buddy in wutai and in AC
This is propaganda
SOLDIERS get less money and live short
Too bad that there is no former Sephiroth fan girl in remake
Not all though. Only the pretty ones like Seph and Geneshit.
Who does Reno like?
Rude likes Tifa
Tseng likes Aerith
Elena likes Tseng
If you like cute interaction between Cloud and the other three girls. Seeing Barret being best character. Don't mind the combat system. Can stomach Nomura and Toriyama horseshit plot and story telling. Sure.
No he just drops napalm on her and lets her get crushed by the plate.
Based on that pattern, he'd like Rude.
You have no style?
meh, it's got moments of greatness but it's padded to shit and full of long boring moments where you're just walking through ugly environments or doing terrible sidequests with boring NPCs that are poorly voice acted, and parts of the game like the train graveyard have been extended to be really long uninteresting dungeons
>Turks two-strep
this game just keep delivering the best cringe of the year
because the localization made them sound like assholes
The battle system is fun, but just skip all the cutscenes. You aren't missing anything.
We have to have a boss fight at the end of the Mythril mines, so they would perfectly in there.