Do not pick the treaded cane guys, it might look appealing but it's shit in the early game, mid game and end game...

Do not pick the treaded cane guys, it might look appealing but it's shit in the early game, mid game and end game. The game was so much harder than it needed to be because I went for a skill build. Who cares if it has long range, it does wet fart damage and it takes a good 10 seconds just to kill fodder. Second playthrough I went violent past and did much better with STR/ARC

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r u rarted ?

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I gave the cane a massive benefit of the doubt and it was awful all the way through.

I thought you were supposed to go for an arcane build with the whip.

You won't pull that off in a single playthrough. Arcane doesn't make the whip much better

Literally the only fun weapon out of the 3. Axe is something from dark souls and the cleaver is the same exact weapon transformed

The cane is useless! Why would they put a WEAPON in a VIDEO GAME that can't kill ANYTHING?
WHAT were they THINKING?

Eh, it still did decent damage last time I played with it and it was one of my more enjoyable runs. The weapon has good reach and useful transformation attacks. Of course, beastcutter is the true choice for whip patricians.

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Based DSPoster

Fuck you, I'm not doing Chalice Amygdala the "correct" way like a limpwristed cucklord

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That would be the magic spells in this game


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Yeah but it's fun.

Moveset might be good but it gets frustrating when you're doing bad damage for your level

I used the Threddit Cane in my first playthrough and it was still FAR and away the easiest Souls game. Like it’s not even close. It’s absurd how easy this game is.

But that's fun.
You get to spend more time fighting things.
Also it looks fucking divine when you apply a bolt or fire paper.

I played the whole game with this and pretended I was playing Castlevania

Arcane is pretty good though. The gloves and blacksky eye wreck shit up.

Excuse me, Pardon me, Easy Mode coming through, Move aside

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Dark Souls 1 was the easiest for me. Poise is immensely useful.

weapon kino

Attached: Bloodborne.webm (800x450, 2.93M)

>big shield
>pokey weapon
>big armor
>shieldpokes can't be interrupted
>just stand there and stab everything
Stupid easy, but kinda fun.

Smashing shit with a UGS wielding poise monster never gets old for me.

nah, they're good but not easy mode. That'd be this monster

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Call me boring, but I fucking loved the straight sword moveset of the kirkhammer and church blade and I wish I could get it without the big ugly lump of metal obscuring my character's back.

DS1 is the easiest of the 3 actual Souls games, but Bloodborne is still easier
>fast i-frame dodge with immense stamina pool that lets you just spam dashes
>rally mechanic that heals you when attacking, making healing much less necessary
>blood vials being farmable mean you can essentially always have 20 vials at your disposal, compared to Estus which is limited to 10 until you beat Pinwheel
>blood vials are also significantly faster and don’t root you in place
>trick weapons give you an enormous amount of versatility compared to Souls weapons
>gun parrying is hilariously easy and zero risk compared to shield parrying
People always say “muh shields” or “muh poise” when talking about Souls difficulty, but those things don’t really make the game much easier. Shields are worthless against most bosses which can break your stamina in a 1-2 hits. Poise is only useful against light attacks from shitter mobs, it won’t help you against bosses unless you use Iron Flesh while wearing Havel’s armor, which will let you tank boss hits for a limited time.

I still loved Bloodborne, but holy fuck it’s just way too easy.

Using base form r1s is basically a saw cleaver. with a different skin. If you just wanted things to be easy then your answer was right there.

same user, thats why i go for the great sword instead

I beat this fucking abomination with the threaded cane. Took me so long, but felt really good once it finally worked out.

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>people actually thought Ebrietas was hard
Beat her first try, Threaded Cane also. The only boss in this entire game that gave me any sort of trouble was fucking Micolash because I'm a brainlet and couldn’t figure out his pattern. Then when I finally cornered him I didn’t realize he had a hentai tentacle instakill attack

Fuck micolash, by far the worst boss fight in the game.

Ebri was legitimately nightmarish in difficulty for me. Dunno how some people find her easy. Very cool boss regardless and a good theme to boot.

Attached: Ebri_.jpg (1536x2048, 2.36M)

Pretty much, yeah. It's objectively worse than the saw cleaver against every single boss besides Defiled Watchdog.

>It's objectively worse than the saw cleaver
that's every weapon

>easy mode
You think so? I thought they were the meta for pvp but trash in pve.
>the game doesn't handicap you with retarded jankyness
>too easy

Micolash is a trash boss. He's the only one in the game that has a 100% bullshit instakill attack with NO reliable means of dodging it.

It always fascinates me how boss difficulty varies so drastically from person to person. Personally I didn’t find any of the Bloodborne bosses difficult. None of them took me more than four or five tries. Except one. You know who?

Rom. The fucking meme spider. It took me like 20+ tries. Every time I focused the spiders, I’d get nuked by the magic missiles. And if I tried to just rush the boss I’d get overwhelmed by the spiders.

Even the chalice dungeon bosses like Defiled Watchdog and Loran Darkbeast weren’t that hard. But FUCK Rom.

Another example is THE HARDEST BOSS OF ALL TIME OMG Nameless King who I beat in two tries. But then Pontiff Sulyvahn kicked my ass for half a day.

Maybe it’s playstyle or brain chemistry, idk but I always find it really fascinating which bosses people have difficulty with.

Stake Driver, Whirligig Saw and Boom Hammer are the best weapons.

It doesn't even have range. I was surprised how close i had to get with the whip mode and keep in mind the enemies in bb lunge at you from a mile away. Overall shit weapon and doesnt compare to the saws, LHB and the pizza cutter.

It's a good weapon (bad starter weapon) but more for flavor than efficacy since it will never exceed other more brutish weapons even when loaded with rare chalice gems
Nothing beats a saw cleaver with mindless R1 spam. It's stronger with a few upgrades than many others are maxed out.
However it is FUN, just mind the walls

>He's the only one in the game that has a 100% bullshit instakill attack with NO reliable means of dodging it.
That's just wrong
Are you talking about a call beyond? You just dodge into him and it misses

did they patch the game?

I went cane first and had literally 0 problems. The range benefited me many times.

He's still not a fun boss fight. His arcane is way into NG+7

>didn't even read his post