Did videogames help you cope with your life?

Did videogames help you cope with your life?

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Not anymore.

Do your parents know you’re gay?

I like this version alot

That dog cracks me up.

every day

That fucking faggot...

Whats with all these feels threads tonight? Fuck off to Yas Forums or /lgbt/

I’d be pretty depressed too if worst girl was in my room


Why would i need something to help cope?



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>constant headache
>huge memory loss
>can barely speak anymore

What's happening to me vros?


sleep more

Get better sleep

>huge memory loss
>can barely speak anymore
Get it checked out ASAP or if your sleep schedule is barebones get more sleep

brain tumor

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my fucking dog does not support my completionism


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>tfw no slugcat pet

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I've been sleeping pretty well, better in a long time

I'm booked for a doctor's appointment, I fear the worst. I've never felt like this before

Anyone have the edit where he's killed his girlfriend?

Unironically get more sleep.

I have a buddy who's like you, who sleeps for 4-5 hour spurts every 15-20 hours, sometimes longer. Sleep more and drink more water.

I got diagnosed with a type of chronic headache and they found a cavernoma in my head. Aparently it isn't super serious but it's still scary

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Nice edit, mind if I save it? I'll credit you whenever I'll use it.

Can I have your steam library if you die ?

I've almost come to terms with the fact that I will never have a romantic partner, but the only problem is that I cant stand friends who have a partner. It stirs up a whole slew of emotions that I cant control. I just wish it was easy to find people with my mindset and perspective, if they exist.

I can barely even play vidya these days

Why don't normalfags understand depression

You don't want to be friends with people like that, just find a gf

I feel like this image was deliberately created to make losers feel like shit

>Almost come to terms
>can't stand friends who have a partner
You didn't come to terms with it, you just hid it. I can't offer you much advice because it's way easier said than done

just be yourself. works for me.

I play like one video game every month.
Wagecucking as an engineer and trading cypto is what helps me cope.

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I feel the same way. I feel mostly fine but when I meet people more successful than me (like everyone) I legit get teary-eyed and sometimes go to the bathroom and cry. I get reminded what I'll never have and all my lost potential, it gets overwhelming

The water and the dog is what sells this.

They do, the people who make stuff like this aren’t normal.

It probably was, people with their lives set just right don't end up depressed

I have accepted my fate that I'm destined to never have relationships with anyone. I'm just not interested in them, no point in fighting it.

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Sure, mostly humble bundle shit though

But this is what every normalfag says to depressed people. They can't wrap their minds around utter hopeless and lack of ambition.

>most threads are angry seething
>the only other active threads are "feels" threads
Explains a lot actually.

I'm a loner who has no friends, spends all day jerking off and watching garbage, and I've never been depressed in my life.

I honestly can't understand being sad. It's something that's so foreign to me that it doesn't even make any sense. If I disliked an aspect of my life, I would put in effort to make it enjoyable.

Normalfags are all self-medicating with prozac and alcohol anyway, so they're probably just as depressed as you.

Because the depression they feel usually isn't as a result of them hating themselves for whatever reason, but because of a parent's death or something
That kind of depression goes away after some time

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Yo retard, literally just ask your bro if his gf has any single friends. Or let him or his gf wingman you at a party/bar. Just imagine you're playing Persona and am working on your charm skill, kek.

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I haven't enjoyed a video game other than animal crossing in over a year

They project and believe that their experiences in life is predictive of most/every other human's experience (e.g., if they haven't had money problems, nobody else has.)
>t. psychfag

>I'm just not interested in them
a literal cope

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>muh depression

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Just wait until you become depressed bro :^)

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a little

I feel so lost guys...

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Basado Sneed hombre.

use a map retard

they help me escape more than anything

This, just tell yourself that depression is gay.

There's so much stuff about toxic masculinity and how shit I supposedly am it's hard to be assertive in finding a romantic partner because it makes me feel like I'm being a scumbag.

I am convinced spending all this time infront of the computer mindlessly scrolling the internet and porn has made me stupid. I remember being much more focused and clear headed before i went in on the deep end. Anyone else feel this way?

That's the nornalfag way, just living a normal life without thinking much.

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Don't get me wrong, I've had friendships in the past, and I don't have trouble with making friends, but I've always been a very distant person and don't like the company of others.

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