You did romance Makoto, right?
You did romance Makoto, right?
No, I did Hifumi, Makoto's SL was fucking stupid
No I uninstalled the game around when Haru showed up. It sucked.
Yeah. Makoto's really cute and all, but her SL sucks.
I also reached my epiphany too late in realising that Ohya is for me.
Hifumi has one of the absolute worst SL’s in the series
>hey did you see that thing I was in
>’s what happened
>thanks for playing shogi
>rank 7 achieved
of course
I just don't like her because she doesn't even try and stand up to her mother. Had she done so I might not have seen her as so meek
my bird bride
right in the donut
Ai no Kyouzou
Man, I really wanted to like Yoshiazawa more than I did. I romanced her my first time through Royal, and while her SL and story are fine enough, she really does have a shit ending. Heck if you're not romancing her then Joker doesn't even see her again until the very end of the game when she gives one line. Lame.
the above screenshot is enough for the joke
The get smoked kid actually tries too, pathetic. His mom is way more psycho too
Of course, but only so that I can fuck Sae behind her back.
no,i uninstalled rpcs3 after the update broke my save in the kamoshida palace
I romanced Anne.
She's my wife and the love of my life.
>The get smoked kid actually tries too, pathetic.
Well in my opinion Shinya is a lot more reasonable than Hifumi. I mean he is like, five or six years younger. And Shinya actually DOES try talking back to his mom more than Hifumi anyhow.
Racemixing is immoral and degenerate
MY first play through I went with Makoto, Kawakami, and Hifumi. NG+ was with Tae. I'm playing P5R now and I think I'll go with Haru this time.
I really don't care about your opinion but all the girls are Japanese so why you're choosing to say this only for her makes no sense.
>entire social link isn't even about her
fucking retarded.
I wanted to before trying out the game, but I really disliked her character.
And the beep boop scene kinda hammered it in.
Kawakami was great though.
Nah, I stuck with the new cute athletic nerdy girl
Yes, along with everyone else. Just once to see what happens.
never played the game, but judging from looks alone, makoto and hifumi are the superior choices.
That's what you think before playing the game.
Are there seriously people who don't romance all possible girls every time?
Hafumi is cute looking, but nothing special. But at least her confidant ranking is more about herself than fucking makoto
No one likes Chihaya. Why even bother with her?
No, it makes me feel like a jerk.
But I did it once anyway in Royal for the Thieves get achievement
Good taste user. I thought nothing would beat vanilla p5 girls. But it took her for me to instantly push them aside
Bro, you KNOW i did. New girl would have been a solid contender if she was main party for more than a 10th of the game.
Den, I meant
Nah, I'm a committed to one girl. Especially since I like spending valentines day and white day happily with the girl I choose.
My issue with her is Kasumi is boring, and Sumire is around for so little time that I barely even know her by the time the game is over.
Does anyone like her unironically? Her fucking personality annoys me and her face just looks like a gross washed out version of chie.
Sumire looks like the kind of girl who'd be so embarassed during sex that she would spend the whole time blushing with her hands covering her face.
She makes weird groaning noises too.
At least she has more going for her than haru. If you're going to talk about boring then look no further. Though I will agree that I wish she showed up earlier in the game to flesh her out even more. But I still love her regardless
>Judge Dredd bike rocking Mad Max looking Justice seeking smart chick
You damn straight I did.
Why would I romance a boring bitch?
Muh rebelious prissy girl
Fucking lame as fuck.
With her original voice or the new one?
I've been save scumming for that so I can get both in a single run. However, I think doing that some how fucked up the laundry achievement as it seems to be stuck at 4/10.