What does Yas Forums think about it? How does it compare to CSGO?

What does Yas Forums think about it? How does it compare to CSGO?

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>CS:GO has a major security exploit a week later
>Valorants been fine
Kek, pure pottery

What about the gameplay aspect?

cope riotshill, you needed to pay some fucking
l33t h4x0r fag to make your game look respectable, it will be another overwatch but with less lifespan.

go back to your baby dota or baby rainbow six reddit and don't come back ok?

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>another overwatch
you mean a game that made billions and people loved?

it's just a slightly better CS

I don't think about it since it's not released yet. Only turbo beta faggots are fine with watching streams for a chance to get a key.

Did these people never grow up with shit like sXe Injected or something? I swear to god there is always one fucking dumbass that looks at a 3rd party program and thinks "OMG ROOLKIT MY INFO IS BEING GIVEN TO THE FBI!""

It's CS GO with worse gunplay and dumb as fuck fog orbs that bottleneck shit even further and turn every encounter into a "lets see who can peak around the corner and shoot the other guy in the face faster" contest.

It's boring, the combination of cs and overwatch just isn't fun to play or watch. I stopped playing after a week.

im mad this bait will get (you)s

>fog cloud good
>fog orb bad
Fuck off, counterfaggots.

>made billions
a quarter of the team involved in overwatch moved on from the project or they were moved to wow, hearthstone or diablo 4 because actiblizz saw that overwatch was not profitable 1 year after release

>people love it
sure, the porn is great and that's it and that will be the only good thing that will come from csbab game, porn from the chink woman being BLACKED

I think china created the corona virus with malicious intent in mind and by supporting products that chinese companies have an interest in you support the CCP who I blame for the current world wide lockdown and possible end of globalization. Fuck Valorant.

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>1/4 of a team moved on from a game that was finished and only needed minor updates

>>CS:GO has a major security exploit a week later
It doesn't though. Fearmongerers claim there is, but there's no exploit proved.

>literally Counter-strike with muh special snowflake characters

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nobody exploited it for now, but that does not mean that it could happen

Zoomers are so tech illiterate that they think anything and everything is dangerous. They're fucking retarded

>Hey lets make the fog completely defined and unnatural so it takes zero subtly to navigate
>Because that's better
>And guns don't even need gun noises, just record Steve saying pew pew


bros... i want them back

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not everything, but when China/chinese are involved even in a limited capacity I know that something is up.

I played a bit of the game prior to the changes that completely ruined it. If wanted to play that sorta game I’d just play the other game instead. It’s good up until the the point when you just know it’s over. I can’t believe there are people still playing this

>dude but WHAT IF?? it's about the PRINCIPLE!! I would NEVER install a security risk on my PC! I'm not just trying to fit in I promise!

>csgo leak
>yeah whatever dude it will probably be fine don't be hysterical

It's almost as all these concerned self-described security experts never really cared about your cyber privacy at all and just wanted to shit on the new thing like a good channer. Almost.

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>paperthin texture
>something that actually negates your vision
sure thing

>defending chinks
pottery indeed, ching chong nip nong

>vanguard was also never exploited so who actually cares, nobody is going to steal your renamon porn stash.

play the goddamn game and dont put personal information in your computer you fucking mongoloids

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eh im gonna drop my personal opinion here cuz why not and I'm bored as fuck and maybe some fag will answer, it's just csgo but way easier, guns look like shit, grapichs looks like shit and it runs worse than cs. I'm having fun tho and it's trying to take some good stuff from other games, I wanna see how they will fuck up the game. Fuck the anticheat 24/7 on the pc

It’s just like CS:GO in that it’s shit

It's fun.

My buddy was working on the New Unreal before they pulled the plug.

It's pretty good.

>shit on the new thing like a good channer.
Holy Christ fuck off back to whatever underage hell hole you came from