It's a second person shooter

>it's a second person shooter

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Other urls found in this thread:

>fake-time strategy

Attached: xvl03ahdevl31.jpg (449x498, 28.7K)

battle peasant

Attached: file.png (457x301, 319.06K)

it's a 5x strategy game


>it's a read em' up

>he calls them first person shooters instead of doom clones

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Does that mean you're shooting yourself?

> second person shooter
This actually exists.
It might be the only one ever made. The description calls it a first person shooter, but it's actually both first person and second person at the same time.


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Worms Armageddon?

Bottoms up.

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Doom is a Pong clone

The correct term is WolfenDooms

remember a few weeks back when people were trying to force "wolfendoom" or some shit cause they were butthurt about metroidvania being such a widely use term for a genre?

>closed world rpg


>he doesn't call the Doomenstein-3D-em-ups

You must have been abused as a child.

>cause they were butthurt
wut? don't read too much into it it's just fun to say

>it's a turn based kart racer

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wouldn't that be a strategy shooter like xcom?
you're not playing as the characters or is the camera following them, you're the commander looking over the field

My parents would only get me a Commodore, I had to go to friends houses to play on a PC or Nintendo.

>stitch n staple

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Did you watch that one Nick Robinson video too?
Epic my friend!

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are the skate games technically 2nd person? what about mario games where the camera is a lakitu?

>It's a Triple-X Strategy Game

>sengoku rance strategy game

Wouldn't ultima underworld or system shock or any rpg set in an enclosed dungeon setting be a closed world rpg?

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Does such a thing as 2nd person exist?

>he calls Command&Craft “real time strategy”

In writing, yes. You've experienced it at some point in your life, but you didn't realize it. You'll figure it out soon enough.

That would be like playing as an NPC and watching the MC play the game.

but you still control MC right?

Yeah, you just control the MC through the eyes of the NPC.


First person: I did something
Second person: You did something
Third person: user did something


Pretty sure some PlayStation horror game did that

underrated post

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Several twists of games are that the viewer is a separate entity or controlling the MC