These are the worst remakes in modern gaming history but every idiot praises them endlessly despite their low quality...

These are the worst remakes in modern gaming history but every idiot praises them endlessly despite their low quality and effort from the developers. You cant disprove this fact.

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Shit b8 desu senpai

ok nostalgia blinded faggot

> low quality and effort
Let's see you do better. Also, every PS1 game looks like dogshit. No exceptions. Even generic Unreal/Unity artstyle is a massive improvement over the ugly janky PS1 versions

>I make a baseless claim with zero support but it's on you to disprove it
If only actual debates were this easy.

You can't prove they are

>this fact.
It's an opinion, dipshit.

Why did they leave spelling errors in the Spyro 2?

CTR is pretty much perfect aside from the dogshit online.

I don't know why CTR keeps getting lumped in with the other two when it's objectively better than the original in every single way

They aren't the worst user, fucking hell stop it with your autism because no one will agree with you. N.Sane is lesser but competent at what it does, Reignited has really high highs and low lows. Nitro fueled might be one of the greatest remakes of all time, top 10 even

The only issue with N' Sane Trilogy for me was the stupid pill shaped jump box they gave Crash. What's wrong with CTR:NF exactly?

More like low effort hyperbole.

Attached: Crashâ„¢ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20200220215222.png (1084x974, 678.31K)

>in every single way
>pipe physics are fucked
>fun shortcuts were removed for the sake of online
>but you can hold USF forever now

They fixed all of those, the only problems now are strictly online related and some QOL stuff missing.

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Not really, it's specially notable in Sewer Speedway that the physics are still off. A far cry from the original.

Just that one itself though and that was the only track in the original you could coast through pipes. But thats what DSD is for.

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Which spelling errors it's been a while since I played

Ripto calls the fairies 'dispicable', I'm just confused how that could happen.

How many times have you made this thread, user? At this point I think you're just shitposting.

That or you chose the wrong girl 20 years ago.

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That would be WCIII and RNC 2016

For those of you unaware the Crash trilogy has had it's psychics patched to be like the original. Not sure when they did it or why it's been treated as a stealth patch, never saw anyone make a fuss out of it, must've been done a year ago or so.

the source material was bad to begin with. seriously the only decent thing out of all of that shit is the racing game and thats only because it 100% copied mario kart. the roster is still garbage and the tracks are too.

I want to fuck Liz in public

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Not bait, enjoying your zoomie games, zoomie?
>Look at me, I shit on the old things, shut up stinky smelly old farts! the future is le now le old man!

>Shut up, game is good because I can coom to one character!

Ok when is the patch for it to never have support shitnuvo? then they will have my sale.

The only one of these I'd agree with is Spyro, and that's just because they clearly put more effort into the first game then the other two and took more liberties with all the designs. Even then, it's still not unbearably bad, just rather disappointing for someone who preferred the latter two games of the trilogy.

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Same here

Kill yourself contrarian faggot, nobody likes you nobody ever will

pic related is the GOAT remake. You cant disprove this fact.

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I dunno, I really liked the third game, and the new designs for the other playable characters. I think the only thing I had nostalgia goggles for was the skateboarding, which wasn't as fun as I remembered.

That aside, all three games were fantastic overall, though I can really appreciate in making all the dragons unique in the first game.

>that's just because they clearly put more effort into the first game then the other two
They also brought in another Studio to lead development of 3 (Sanzaru Games) due to the different gameplay types.

>thinly-veiled bandicute/spyro cutes thread

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>Morshu Moneybags
I love this.

Do you have such a retard itch that you need to post this every day