>Sega is basically promoting fan games
What did they mean by this?
Sonic thread
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Based Sega. Genesis does what Nintendont you fucking Mario cock sucking faggots.
They've been promoting fan games for the past decade. With how releases have dried up because they keep fucking up, it's really the fans keeping the series on life support at this point.
>sega is so bad at making games they need to prop up fan games instead of destroying them
Chaotix Chads. It's almost time.
>mmm please shove your greasy plumber cock up my ass mario-sama
Finally.... Chaotix Mania & Knucles
hes not wrong desu
>double team me luigi
i mainly ment the part about sega being shit at making games nowadays
>Sega is basically promoting fan games
They've already been promoting fan hacks of the genesis titles through the steam workshop for a while now. This isn't anything new.
I checked out the trailer for Sonic Freedom, and this artstyle is one example of how Sonic should be.
Not necessarily this exact artstyle, but a willingness to try out new styles to give each game its own identity. And that's what worries me about Sonic Mania and also the separation of classic and modern Sonic, I worry that that'll mean an enforcement of stangnant artstyles (and gameplay) rather than allowing for innovation and new experiences.
The video btw:
Oh shit, is Sonic Utopia finally getting an update? I've been waiting FOUR YEARS, Lange!
It seems like you should be able to bounce higher off of enemies, the air boost is a cool mechanic but doing an air boost after every badnik seems tedious.
Where was Utopia mentioned? Also Lange works as a designer at Wayforward now, hence the lack of updates on Utopia.
The OP pic is one by the lead artist for Sonic Utopia and it's the same design they used to promote it.
>Also Lange works as a designer at Wayforward now, hence the lack of updates on Utopia.
Canceling it after saying "it's almost done" almost a year ago. He's already Miyamoto-tier this early in his career.
Yeah, I agree. It doesn't seem very fun to have to stop and wait for every enemy and with no bounce.
Also, while the artstyle felt fresh for a Sonic game, it also looks really generic, like tons of other modern games, and if this exact artstyle ends up being used for than a tiny bit, it may hurt Sonic as a brand.
>badniks serve no purpose but to be platforms to the player
>long stretches of nothing but automated sections
>Sonic Utopia
>literally copying the worse aspects of SA1
Sonic is dead, it got brought to life for 3 seconds with Mania and then it died again
if you want good Sonic gameplay wait for Freedom Planet 2
He never cancelled it.
This other art by this artist is excellent.
This is what Sonic should've always looked like and you can't tell me otherwise.
Freedom Planet isn't a Sonic game.
>SEGA encouraging fangames and fan content
>Shitendo deeming all fan porn, fangames, etc "damaging"
>so does Disney
>so does most JP anime companies
>Sonic Utopia
>literally copying the worse aspects of SA1
Imagine being retarded enough to actually think this.
It bothers me that Sega just completely ignored this design besides maybe the OVA which was still a bit pudgy, in favor of Classic Sonic being straight up old key art that didn't actually match even his box art designs in Japan.
Yeah, it's better, i rather play Freedom Planet than the entirety of the Sonic franchise again except for maybe Mania and Generations
Sonic fans are no different from a beaten spouse, i can't believe just how much shit can come from a single franchise and still be alive
He's not working on it because he's busy with his new job, and he's not updating it because there's nothing new to show, how is it not cancelled?
>>Sonic Utopia
>>literally copying the worse aspects of SA1
If anything it's undoing the worse aspects of SA1 and playing to its few strengths.
Go back to /sthg/.
Shit you can't even do unless you have the entirety of the level layour hammered into your brain, don't make me fucking laugh, i cannot wait for first timers to spindash into nothing because they don't even know where to go, besides it's a fan project that has been around for years
it's never coming out, just fucking give up already
They are completely differnet gameplay styles. I do also probably prefer Freedom Planet over most Sonic games I've tried, but I really don't like 2D Sonic gameplay.
Freedom Planet is also far from perfect though, my biggest issue is that the levels are too long and that the bosses are too difficult, and I'm probably prefer if the bosses weren't in the levels at all.
I like generations though.
So fucking based
Cope shitendo stan
>SEGA encouraging fangames and fan content
They're just pulling out the old marketing ploy of rebelling against what everyone else is doing.
I'm still mad about SoRR.
look me in the eyes and tell me sonic is in good shape right now is good and ill call you a lying faggot
Mario was always better than Sonic. Sonic has more style but Mario has more substance.
Some of this level design is very Dimps like...
>look at me in the eye!
Sonic is in good shape right now and is doing good. The success of Mania and the disaster of Forces was the learning experience they needed, the next game will be a lot more promising.
sonic cd opening or mania opening sonic is literal perfection
But he smokes.
The story would be different if they kept releasing decent to great sonic games with a modicum of consistency. They really dont know what to do with the franchise at a corporate level so if you see the fans are doing a better job keeping the franchise alive for free, you better encourage the shit out of that. Now if sonic had kept the same level of quality of their genesis era on a constant basis for 30 years, you bet your ass they wouldnt let anyone jeopardise the strike by releasing mediocre shit in your name.
All I want is a new Sonic game with that uses Sonic Adventure 2 gameplay (only much more polished) and uses the Sonic Adventure 1 / Sonic 2006 hub world areas to link levels together, but again, just x1000 more polished. Fill the hub world with secrets and hidden levels, let us play as Tails and bring back Knuckles treasure hunting missions (which I always loved in the first two Sonic Adventure games) and you got yourself a fucking great game. I’m tired of this endless runner shit, the modern games are just a glorified temple run.