Comfy Cyberpunk 2077 thread: Actual discussion edition

Very small snippet of new Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay, showing how the translation mechanic works.
No shitposters.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Kang-Tao is a young Chinese company specializing in smart-gun technology and security services. It's making its way to the top of the weapon industry at a tremendous pace thanks to bold choices, courageous strategy, and government backing.

They just can't stop posting cringe.

woops forgot the link apparently

>Actual discussion edition
>Yas Forums
You deserve to get your IP public

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>he thinks you can do something with IP addresses

I love cyberpunk

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This game will be groundbreaking

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yeah it looks cool, nu-vee is cute af and i'm definitely buying it.

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WHOA!! So this is how CyberPunk 2077 looks like?

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Fucking hell

oh look more niggers

Is this game set in LA?

>Believing CDPR lies

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Well that didn't work.

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Well damn, would buy.

>and government backing.

Just like all Chinese companies

Can't see any favela or hobocamp in that pic, this can't be LA

seriously though, it looks good.

imagine being this autistic
probably hasn't taken a shower or groomed himself in a long time

Can you explain in 2 paragraphs what are you implying did not work?

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I was going to shower today but I was out of fresh underwear so I figured there wasn't any point to it.

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I took a shower yesterday for your information, will take another shower in 3 hours when I'm done with work

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We were supposed to have this game by now bros. We could've been having comfy cyberpunk adventures during quarantine

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imagine being this mad

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This shit still isn't out yet?
The fuck are those niggers doing?

It's a Haitian turf in a Californian city 50 years from now.
If you believe there is something that needs correction then don't be shy and say it.

I believe he is pointing out that I messed up the thread OP, which I did. I hope the mods delete this thread.

>Why did I move here?
>I guess it was the sun

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my cyberbrother

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what happened?

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why would i be mad that youre posting a bunch of memes and images related to the thread?

>Still caring about soiberpunk

based and sunpilled

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jesus christ tease the fucking map already you polish faggots

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polishin the game, does it look ready to you?
that HUD needs to be completely reworked

>rockem sockem

How do the based slavs even come up with all this futuristic technology? It's like a completely different planet!

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have sex tranny, GTA5 map is empty while CyberPunk 2077 map will be dense and every building will be exploitable

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That's all CDPR games.
All their games are messy and janky as fuck.
They could release it half baked and it will get praised in high regard anyways.

ikr, just try to zone off until autumn.

those slaves understand the cyberpunk genre so well

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that has nothing to do with showering

how the fuck is this cyberpunk?

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He's using a cyber shotgun.

I'm excited to buy it from the Epic Store and play it on my Nvidia PC. :)


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t. wears dirty clothes after shower


tiny as fuck rofl

i think you fags are just mad because they're not adapting bladerunner

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He's got like 8 tactical LED lights on his shotgun.

That's an 1850's black powder shotgun with magnets and blue leds. Totally cyberpunk

>everything cyberpunk has to be in a dense neotokyo rainy city center

CyberDowngrade (not that there was much to downgrade from)

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>days since Yas Forums cried about cyberpunk: 0

Europoors are going to love this game as they like trash and have no standards.

>giant open worlds are shit!
>ok then we won't use one
fags everybody


the game got better, i can't wait until i get to ride around the city with the most expensive cars available.

the shotgun has glowy thingies and wires on it bro

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Rednecks would only be able to afford one "cyberpunk" item and it would be a weapon. Seems realistic.

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No no no user that 2013 trailer wasn't real cyberpunk
This is Cyberpunk

Not this

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the fact this game is still coming out for current consoles is a huge bummer
its going to look like shit and age so poorly within the first year :/

Why are americans so obsessed with europeans?

that looks like garbage

Definitely land of the free and the home of the GAY!!!!!


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what do the lights on the shotgun do?
make you glow in the dark?

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It's interesting how the cyberpunk "experts" complaining in these threads make it obvious they don't know shit about the tabletop game.

Weekly reminder

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>noooo not the iperino not the heckin public adreserino
I bet you also think Yas Forums ip bans ever stopped anyone you nigger

yeah, it's a budget conversion of a classing double barrel into a fucking railgun that tears people in half
it's pretty amazing if you aren't a fucking faggot who comes here to shitpost because he's literally getting paid for it

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BladeRunner would be infinitely more interesting than this boring as fuck thing we have now.

well it is supposed to be dystopian

>niggers niggers niggers
look guys its OPs bedroom

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uh oh the mutt took a break from dying to coronachan to cry about euros

Without the lights the whole scene would look like GTA 5, so the lights on the shotgun had to be added, seems reasonable to me

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This just looks like gta5 wtf.

Don't read Hardwired, there's a scene where the main character is walking through the American mid-west with a lever action rifle. You'll hate it.

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That's pretty much just what LA looks like now

Blade Runner also has a video game out already
go play it and stop coming here

I'll take a cheap blade runner knock off over a shitty GTA knock off since unlike GTA there aren't dozens of Blade Runner open world clones

Yas Forums gets extra retarded when this game comes up. Do people really fucking think a Chinese corporation being successful in a video game means the developers are pro-China? It's a CYBERPUNK game you idiots, corporations are never the good guys.
post a screenshot I dare you

>putting electromagnets on a 140 year old gun that's a collector's item today to make a rail gun that should blow up in your face with duct tape and wiring hanging about
Totally cyberpunk

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Sure maybe it has pink still, but it lost all the cyber aspect of it.

>this is what Yas Forums would rather have