Post a game you really like but get a bad rap or a lot of other people dislike

Post a game you really like but get a bad rap or a lot of other people dislike.
Be honest.

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Berseria is a shit game and an obvious indicator you have not played more than 3 Tales games.
If you play Tales for anything other than combat you have a mental disability.

And I will play your game OP, despite your unbelievable shit taste. I like Xenoblade 2 a lot, and I can get why some are put-off immensely by it.

FFXIII. I know its a shitty game outside the combat, and combat doesnt even get good until the end of the main game, and even then you can just auto battle, but the endgame fights really sucked me in, I genuinely enjoyed preparing my paradigms and switching set ups midcombat.

Berseria had a bad rep?
I thought it sold decently

>Berseria is a shit game and an obvious indicator you have not played more than 3 Tales games.
Well you're wrong.
I've played Abyss (6 times),
Graces (twice),
Vesperia (xbox360 and ps4 twice each at least),
Xillia (twice),
Xillia 2 (three times),
Zestiria (twice), and
Berseria (three times).

I think Berseria is a pretty good yet flawed Tales game, probably my third favourite. Judging by the fact you jumped to the conclusion I haven't played many, I don't think you're capable of rational conversation and will end the argument here.
Yeah mostly with Tales fans the game is seen as shit because the combat is way different than traditional Tales games, so it gets a knee-jerk hate reaction like the first poster here.

The fact that you could enjoy that weeb trash before the series got Berseria'd tell me you not only have terrible taste but must be a difficult person to be around due to your weeb faggotry.
For a person that hates weeb culture, its tropes and 4 archetypes of characters Berseria is a perfect entry point.

Lets just give the main character a mode that can be triggered almost all the time that makes them invincible, have higher stats, and powerful finishers that deal bonus damage to the enemy you’re fighting. That way you don’t have to think about the combat.

That would be a problem if Eizen wasn't more fun to play as than Velvet.
As it turns out, things are fine.

I like Berseria and XB2, suck my cock faggot.

Play Magilou, hard mode without wizard's ventite and extremely fun later in the game after acquiring it

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Out of all the characters I prefer Laphicet the most, chaining spells is fun.

>Velvet, Eizen, Laphicet and Eleanor can pop their 3rd break souls+mystic artes with great ease repeatedly.
>Rokurou and Magilou are the designated combo characters and you will likely only see their 3rd mystics or break souls once in a blue moon outside of Mystic Combos.
There's probably a reason the last 2 MA's in a Mystic Combo are always level 3.

You played 2 good Tales games.
Opinion is shit, just like Berseria.
>weeb trash
Yeah, sexual innuendo makes a game mature! Edgelords are cool with tits!
Fucking retarded, immature catamite.
You like a good game and a shit game, good for you and your gaping diseases-riddled asshole.

I can't fathom how you played Zesty twice. Worst tales game.

>are the designated combo characters
designated COUNTER* characters, sorry. Typo.

Don't mind me, just being the most obnoxious NPC in the history of JRPGs.

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SEETHING. Absolutely SEETHING. Berseria is an awesome game and you can't do anything about it. Don't even try replying to me if you don't want to be laughed at again.

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>I can't fathom how you played Zesty twice.
It was tough. I knew the game was really bad when I completed it the first time, but I had a lot of time to burn and I wanted to go into depth about WHY it was bad and what could be done to fix it if I could.
So I grinded out several +99 items and sacrificed them to get double/triple stacks.
Seeing as the game makes it impossible to get double/triple skills unless you have more chaos mode fights than any other difficulty, I wasn't about to grind out 1k+ fights to unlock higher skill stacks.

I went into NG+ starting on chaos mode and started grabbing equipment and slapping them together, upgrading and so on to get the most out of the ridiculously shit tier equipment system the game is burdening me with. On every character I had -40% cast time reduction, infinite combos, half stamina usage, the fucking works. I turned every character and fusion into gods.

The bosses don't scale with difficulty very much so I was one shotting every single boss starting from the 2nd or third with half of a combo. By the time I got to endgame I had enough problems with the game I could write a 20 page essay not just with the story and characters but the gameplay too now.

I finished the game, got into post-game to fight Jade Curtiss again and then set down the controller and never played Zestiria ever again.

Nice bait

She has this really raspy voice like she has been smoking her whole life, I just skip everytime I see like shes about to talk.

Absolute bro, he is always understanding when dealing with Velvet or Magilou picking on Laphi

I have not even played Berseria and can still tell you with complete confidence that it is better than XC2. Even if it's shit, it still isn't as shit as XC2.

Yes, the truth makes you seed. And your embarrassing picture and retarded takes are more than anyone could do to embarrass you; you do plent of that yourself, and better than other people could.

I played a number of tales games and Berseria is not even bad, gameplay wise it's middle of the road but the cast of characters carry it easy

Your post is almost as terrible as his. Why is Yas Forums like this?

I bet you don't even like shota, dickweed

Would help if Yas Forums let me post the picture

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>muh combat
>every single game is the same button mashing nonsense

This game is a 7 at best, still my favorite though.

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>Berseriafag has only played his shit game
You literally only buttonmash, sorry, you retards say "target enemy weaknesses" in Berseria.

>muh objectivety

What are you on about you inbred kid?

>every single tales of games is just smash two buttons over and over
>n-no my old favourite is deep, h-heh

Lmao, look at you searching the depths of your brain for the most venomous words you can to try and spit at me. Cope my friend. Too bad you're in the minority about Berseria, since everyone knows how good it really is.

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Anyone who claims any game is "button mashing nonsense" is an idiot.
Fighting games are button mashing nonsense by that logic too.


>my favorite is a 7/10
Either you dislike Tales or you are literally putting down your own opinion

Four of my favorite games in years.
Four games I've never heard someone said anything positive about them (well, not really but the average opinion about them is pretty much "absolute dogshit").

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Code Vein is my favorite game of 2019

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i played it for 40 hours and got bored it felt like it was never gonna end and that the story was going no where

>average opinion "absolute dogshit"

wtf are u talking about?

Berseria is my favorite game and even I know it is button mashing nonsense, you can get away with spamming whatever arte you want in almost every single battle and it's pretty sad if you ask me.
I liked most tales of games.

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Berseria has a bad combat system but I like the party and characters.

I actually like the Final Fantasy Remake.

I haven't played Killing Floor 2 but I like some of the armor, weapon and spell designs in Dark Souls 2. Code Vein had interesting mechanics with the Blood Codes, and I only played the betas for Nioh and didn't like it so I can't say anything about that.

Funny I really liked the combat system but it had some flaws. I played it for the combat for a long ass time and I adored shitting out mystic artes as often as I could.

So the latter then. Your favorite game cannot be a 7/10 unless you really don't love it much in which case it isn't your favorite.

The only reasons it is my favorite game is Velvet, the character interactions and the story to an extent, everything else is rather mediocre in my opinion.

It's been 10 years, long enough to admit that XIII has kind of grown on me. I really like the atmosphere in that game, and it's on my springtime playlist. There's just something about the Archylte Steppe theme combined with the warm spring air, with the slight smell of rain and flowering plants in the air that gives me the comfiest feeling.

I just like the sailing and comfy nature of the game

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>I'm a shitter that has never conquered Vesperia's combat, or has played 2.5D Tales!
You're a fucking disgrace.
>an insult that takes 5 seconds to formulate complete devastates your anus and reduces you to pathetic face-saving posts as this
Grow thick skin. Get good taste.

Man you are pulling a lot of mental gymnastics just to prove that the game can't be his favorite because he acknowledges that it has flaws. You're a fucking schizo. Get help.

Berseria's only good for its characters, honestly the only reason why I played it.

I agree that the ending was garbage, but everything else leading up to it was some of the best stuff in the entire trilogy.

Also, the multiplayer is fun as fuck and Citadel is the greatest DLC of all time.

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You can acknowledge your favorite game has flaws and still rate it above a 7.

It was fun.

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>muh in depth button masher