Yas Forums btfo
Shes right
Go back to Twitter, faggot.
Why is Yas Forums so easy to troll? You retards bring this low quality garbage to bump limit every time
posting random twitter screencaps should be bannable
If (clap) you (clap) normalize (clap) transgenderism (clap) you (clap) are (clap) normalising (clap) mental illness.
Chuds seethe over it, but more ppl are waking up to them
>no men in dresses
>more sexy women
Is this it?
It's ironic.
I don’t think Bud the Chud really gives a fuck.
what are the flags on there for?
uhh cringe department, yeah the retards on the the loose again..
Daily reminder that trannies >>>>>>> females. They are far less cancerous.
>This thread
Go back to Discord, trannies.
>gamers cry about censorship...
>...lose their shit if a trans girl gets added
Ever notice the Left's arguments always lack logic?
No I just hate leftists, non-white men, women, and trannies.
>implying most trannies don't sexualize themselves and each other
Autogynephillia is fucking disgusting
why does he become a cat
i actually wouldn't mind trannies in games
this ones cute
>>gamers cry about censorship...
>>...lose their shit if a trans girl gets added
I mean Yas Forums literally does this.
i dont understand, are they missing rights? Do they want more? someone explain this to me
how is your neovagina?
She's completely right, only a retard would deny that gamers treat censorship of notporn the same as they treat censorship of non-conservative opinions.
Still, there is nothing wrong about sexualizing women. That's what they are for.
haha just heard about this place from reddit looks like im gonna fit right in
This is true though. You can't want to censor trannies and then flip 180 and cry about censored anime tiddies. This isnt even defending trannies, I'm just saying you dipshits send mixed messages and need to either commit 100% or not at all.
all the fucking time.
Correct tranny.
uh yes?
checkmate atheists
The only good thing about this fad is that it renders stupid people sterile.
Imagine taking the words of a leftists seriously when you know their worldview is both objectively wrong and influenced by genetics to create their unpleasant personality traits.
They aren't granted the right to serve in the military for example.
There is nothing more retarded in this world. Throwing away female life on easy mode.
“Gamers” cry about (non gamers) injecting our social agenda into hobbies (non gamers) don’t really care about.
Nobody of substance cares about trans people in video games. It’s just gross when it’s used as a marketing gimmick to attract the attention of upper middle class white women on twitter.
>weeb is a tranny
It’s more of a neurological disorder, but I agree, taking pride in it is fucking weird.
Their rights are literally being stripped away from healthcare to discrimination protections, poke your head into whats happening in hungary at the moment. Same shit in the UK.
Because he’s a furry. The artists who do this shit most likely make the bulk of their cash doing furry porn and the furries who decide to swap their fur suit for a dress just commission them to draw their ideal selves as a cute girl.
I hate politics in games.
I also want sexualized characters in games.
I didnt read it but damn....btfo
>objectively wrong
I bet you unironically throw around the term "mental illness". Who exactly defines transgenderism as a mental illness other than anti-sjw retards on the internet?
they want the "right" for everyone to like them and not make fun of them regardless of who they are or what they do. Wish I was joking
>“Gamers” cry about (non gamers) injecting our social agenda into hobbies (non gamers) don’t really care about.
But.... video games have a substantial amount of trannies compared to other hobbies, so trannies are part of core gamer demographic.
Because one is natural and healthy to want and the other is literally fucking mentally crazy
>OP buttdevasted because of le ebil tranny
>I know I'll post a twitter screencap so people can troll this guy
Not your personal army faggot
Nobody is saying that you sperg faggot. That's a matter of privilege, not rights.
>require keeping up with oodles of drugs
>spending several hours a day dilating
>41% even before they're getting shot at
Yeah they totally don't seem like they'd each be a massive drain and hindrance.
The tomboys have been kidnapped by trannies. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the tomboys?