There will never be any good video games ever again

>there will never be any good video games ever again

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Cyberpunk is coming out this year

no, video games have been dead since 2013

I can only hope for remakes/remasters of the old videogaems

Cof.....Cof. Half Life Alix Bro!

when graphics peaked

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Pathologic 2 came out last year and there are two more campaigns for it on their way.
VideoCult is making a new game
you probably just have shit taste

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that game will be hot garbage just like every witcher game after the first one

I think you mean
>I don't like video games anymore

Best animated movie of all time.

0/10 would not watch again because it made me depressed.

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well time to kill myself


Witcher 3 is the closest thing to a perfect game, shut the fuck up

>death stranding pc
>hzd pc
>wasteland 3
>marvel's avengers

Go to /vr/ for a bit. Carnage Heart is fun.

i finally got around to playing p2 and damn, it's great so far. i played 1 about 2 years ago and loved it. yesterday i beat marble nest and got to day 2 of the actual game, i think my favorite part so far is the music from the beginning of the haruspex playthrough, where youre walking down the street during day 12. if this game has more moments like that thisll easily top p1 for me. i can't wait to play more later today


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What a shit ass forced drama movie. 0/10 would not watch again because it was predictably forced.

i saw the unironic version of this meme back in 2000s

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Starfield will probably come out within a year or two

Yes the best game in 2015
Yes Death Stranding best game 2019
Avengers Game looks a shit

Objectively wrong, basic bitch contrarian 4chin pleb opinion

Witcher 3 is unquestionably one of the best games ever created

Cyberpunk isn't coming out this year if Poland is gone from Corona soon

>death stranding best game 2019
play more games, esl-kun

I think we're just depressed user

>Pathologic 2
ah, that meme "deep" slav glitchy bullshit?

>desperados 3 also in june
get HYPE indie bros

Why did the Japs do it?

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Toral war warhammer 2 is out right now and the 3rd one is coming within the next 2 years or so. Probably sooner.

havent beaten p2 yet but p1 is the only "woah bro so deep" game ive played that's actually deep, i assume p2 will be the same

There's plenty, maybe you should play some old games to see how poorly they've aged.

look at all these buzzwords you have to reach for just so you can get mad at a good game.
instead you would be better off playing some vidya.
like pathologic 2

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Fearing the rising power of America Japan gambled and lost. Never mind, it all worked out in the end.

Ive been having fun this year with FF XIV, FF VII Remake, Megaman Zero Collection , Resident Evil 3

people who think videogames arent as good anymore just need to find other stuff to do.

they were literal ooga booga islander tribals when they were first introduced to the modern world, they were just remarkably intelligent. is it no surprise that they were so aggressive out starting gate?


Imagine being an American and literally burning people's houses down.

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