Modern animal crossing has no sou-

>Modern animal crossing has no sou-

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This guy needs to get circumcised

You know, what's funny is that those statues had really tiny dicks on purpose, because the male genitalia, specifically the penis, was seen as aestetically displeasing, so shrinking it down was preferred, focusing instead on muscles, definition etc.
Basically it's already "censored" to begin with, it would be absurd to censor it even more.

Even back then they knew penises were gay and you're a faggot if you wanna see a bigger penis.

Give him a pair of these.
The Romans actually believed that fucking another man in the ass was the most masculine thing you could do, because you were making another man submit to your cock.

Attached: download (3).jpg (409x500, 46.6K)

>was seen as aestetically displeasing
Wrong. It's because a big dick is associated with a beastly one and a mark of the devil.
So if you have genetically big junk, your ancestors were likely outcasted lowborns. Food for thought.

Hell yeah, dude! I've got a small pecker, too

Animal Crossing also now has a drowning woman in it.

Attached: PnEEvi3.jpg (1280x720, 164.54K)

>Food for thought
As always, the small-dicked nerds wrote some bullshit to disparage the big-dicked chads.

>mark of the devil
That's a later addition, it comes from ancient Greece, where big dicks were indeed seen as a low born barbarian feature, since they were all about fucking little boys. Also during debates people whore these metal clasps inserted into their foreskin to prevent any accidental erection, since getting one in public was seen as incredibly impolite.

Good LORD why are dicklets always so angry?
Why are you always so upset about this?
Even if you did have a bigger penis, you wouldn't get laid anyway.
You seriously think the reason why you're an incel is because you have a small dick?
That's the least of your problems, to even remotely reach the point where she'll see your dick, a girl will have to wade trough layers and layers of your horrid personality and endless bullshit.
The small dick is just the final cherry on the shit cake that is your entire being, stop obessing over it and fix the rest of you as a person, fucking hell.

Attached: 1314943127583.png (479x355, 300.4K)

>a girl will have to wade trough layers and layers of your horrid personality and endless bullshit.
This is why i only like femboys

so that’s why a lot of gays like AC and Nintendo

Honestly I think the small dick is the cause of the terrible personality, lack of confidence, hopelessness, etc.

I should know.

>It's because a big dick is associated with a beastly one and a mark of the devil
Holy fuck that must mean i am a truly good person

Nah, you're just a bitter incel
t. 5in. hard

Actually the real reason is because he's facing Goliath and he's scared.

It's just a statue in a video game, bro.
Stop projecting your insecurities.

this is why you'll get gassed

>since they were all about fucking little boys
>dicklet are pedos
jokes aside, wasn’t pedophile a bad thing in the old greece? didn’t platon went to trouble beacause the acused him of being pedos?

It means the Church didn't excommunicate your family for a freakish dick, ostracizing them from the cream of society and access to all the best privilege wealth and power which you now enjoy to at least subtle extents, good 4u

>gays have been flood the internet with gay porn fanarts of characters that goes unfiltered for children to find it in a google search and see this as a sign of empowering
>putting the statue of david in a children videogame somehow is too far for them
are we in bizarro world?

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>Good LORD why are dicklets always so angry?
because we have a small dick, isn’t that hard to understand

>this is a kid's game
Damn, even faggots are prude cunts these days. Hard to believe this.

They actually did further censor them during the counter-reformation in the mid 16th century. During this The Last Judgement (The Sistine Chapel's ceilling) had the penises painted over.

i was only making a joke about how small my dick is

>it's only ok when we expose nudity in front of children

Another white guy chiseled with a small dick

why is this meme so prevelant bros?

ah yes, thank god straight people never did porn


Hello? Based department?

Its just a rock my nigga.

My friends name is david and he's white from jerusalem

exactly, why are they being flustered?

Koreans get circumcised and circumcision is on the rise in Japan, there’s circumcision ads all night constantly on TV and on busses. Doctors recommend it if you can’t keep your foreskin retracted

As long as it's male nudity it's okay.

>the fake one is uncircumcised

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holy mother of cope

Maybe it's not some aesthetic artistic liberty, or symbolic bullshit and it's just that Romans were growers.

Wait, so when you searched character names in the past and got 600000 billion hits for straight character porn, it was fine, and it was good for kids to see it.
But when it's gay porn it's bad and it's bad for kids to see it?
Why this specific distinction?

What! no way!

Attached: scholo.jpg (550x309, 48K)


>dude, trust me

Attached: Gouki Octostretch.jpg (600x408, 23.12K)

Dangerously based, proceed with caution

Hey timestamp user nice dick

But I'm not convinced since you can't really see the base in the first image, could have just backed up so only the tip was in frame
holy shit that's moist I hope you had a big cum and didn't let that go to waste

I never understood this, that's the size of a normal flaccid penis if you're a grower. I think the whole "greeks made them tiny because big ones are for brutes" thing is 100% bullshit. Maybe they did think that, but it's likely not the reason they made them small on the statues, it's most likely the simple explanation of them
just being growers.

Imagine it's 1500 and someone tells Michelangelo that people will be arguing with each other about why the statue he made has a tiny penis five hundred years from now.
Do you think he'd believe them?


the only people coping all day every day are uncircumcised

>Yeah bro, come on! Removing 2 fingers is totally in fashion, you should do it too! It looks so much better, and really it doesn't affect your life at all!
That's what you sound like, cutfag.

didn't we just have this thread?

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>outcasted lowborns
the word you're looking for is niggers

Yes, check Ueno clinic. Most Japanese don’t need circumcision because the foreskin is retracted but white people dont do this and their penis gets dirty

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Are you implying there is no straight R34 porn? Have faggots jizzed right into your brain saturating your thoughts with cock?

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Damn, that's a lot of projection.

>This guy needs to get circumcised

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I’m not circumcised, I don’t need it because my foreskin is retracted

> circumcision ads
do americans really...?

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you realize Americans and Australians are only whites who practice circumcision?

yeah I only really did it for

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Because homosexuality is a mental illness, and children should avoid viewing something that would lead them to develop that mental illness.

Based schizo off his meds again

I don’t know what Americans do I’ve never met an American before
I don’t know what Australians do either I’ve never met an Australian before

>straight R34 porn
what is that?

we just had this thread

I think it's because sex is very distracting. If the guy had a 12" meaty soft cock it would be all people would focus their eyes on. By minimizing the penis, you can focus on everything else.

For people with fucked up foreskins dipshit, not to the general population. Most of the world isn't living under Jewish cope.

>Statue of David is allowed to have a dick but not the tanuki statue

In the older games the tanuki statue's testicles were tan colored, but in New Horizons they're brown like this and less defined.

Attached: tanuki-statue-2.jpg (512x768, 183.05K)

i like guys with small penises

Why are you so obsessed with jews?

>talks about korea and Japan
christ you're a retard

>mental illness is contagious

Sounds like you should be self-isolating then, user.

Successful artists often have massive egos, so I think there's a good chance he would've.