
Which outfit do you prefer?

Attached: Pine.jpg (2270x1200, 885.27K)

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Left but take the shoes off.

Where are her panties?


I prefer Sepia

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I would love to see sepia with any classic belmont costume

>turning a beloved IP into generic fapbait
This is just as bad as pachinko

It what gives the money

But user, this is Bombergirl, not Bomberman.

Bombergirl is supposedly pretty fun though and I'd definitely give it a shot if I could

Yeah it looks fun as fuck i really i could play

Middle, nice and simple

Too bad we didn't get a "plot" reason for the new pine costume

Attached: .jpg (1000x1473, 745.32K)

sex sells
What a shocker

Same, but Pine is my second choice.


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>muh beloved ip
You have no right to complain if you didn't buy Super Bomberman R.

>first on shitch
I pass.

If you actually cared, you'd buy it when it went multiplatform. You don't even like Bomberman, you're only here to whine about muh coomers.

That's right. This is not bomberman. It's bombergirl. Learn the difference, am*rican retard.


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Good lord, those tits and belly.

Attached: sweating like a dog(dogs dont sweat).gif (300x169, 2.66M)

Nice but i meant the mechanic chothing


The characters aren't that appealing
It's subtlety that is sexy.
Fight me.

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Is this just genderbent Bomberman or a new IP?

spin off in the same universe

This game sucks. They need to make another mainline game already and retire this to a gacha png collector already.

I almost agreed

Attached: irtile.jpg (3920x3040, 2.06M)

Nevermind, I didn't see all the characters.
Are they all by different artists? Pretty sure I'm noticing the Keroro Gunsou & Kemono Friends artist for TwinBee.

>that doujin by great mosu

I almost coomed myself to death bros

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I love these kinds of dresses, with the corset, and the ribbon and frills at the cleavage, but those titty straps are dumb. Save that for another outfit and just keep this a cute traditional dress.

Nice thanks

Spinoff game. Also, the character is Shiro, a separate entity from Bomberman/White Bomber, not a gender-bent version of him. This is the same case with Kuro and Gray.

It's rumored that a new mainline game is in development, and Super R came out 3 years ago, so semi-recent.

When she's in. I mean, seriously
>BDSM cyborg in a G-string
It fucking writes itself

Attached: _-Bomberman-Act-Zero-Xbox-360-_.jpg (435x800, 62.33K)

>there's doujins already

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