Whats the worst game you've ever played? pic very much related

whats the worst game you've ever played? pic very much related

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fuck this garbage, the gameplay is clunky as hell, the map is filled with meaningless bullshit just to say it's "vivid and full of stuff you can do" and the final boss is a fucking pushover.

don't understand the appraise this game receives

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based "i hated it so much i played through to the end" user

would you believe if i told you i rushed this game just so i could talk shit about it with reason? because that's exactly what i did, and i hated every second

Yeah, I always get bored around skellige.

I remember this being a really frustrating and disappointing rental.

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Even as a kid with high tolerance for shit games, I thought this game was terrible.

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I've probably played worse, but this is the worst I've ever owned. Fuck this game. Giant disappointment.

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I actually liked that game was pretty fun

jokes on you, I only play terrible games

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i replayed it a few nights ago. it really is a piece of shit to play. it did have just the right blend of nostalgia/anime bullshit/brooding edgelord for the time though

I owned Too Human and Superman 64 when they came out.

absolute dogshit

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ITT: Shit taste

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That's the worst game you've ever played? Holy shit user you're weak sauce.

It's a ripoff of gungrave

>Trading Cards
It sounds so good in theory? What went wrong? I always hear World 1 was the only one worth playing so it's the only one I've played.

Metal gear burger.

Based because people fellate it way too hard, but also it's not that bad.

Worst game I've ever played is pathologic 1.

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OP has not played many games.

DOC on kb+m is ok but unplayable on a dualshock

FF Type-0

Not him, but I finish every game I start; even if I hate it. It's why I have sixty-two hours in KoTOR.

First game I demanded a refund for from the store. And this was before I heard about the Atari version.

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>First game I demanded a refund for from the store

I only ever did that once and that was with Brink.

Yet another game Yas Forums fellates when mentioned, yet is mind numbingly bad. Every aspect of the gameplay is horribly designed. The story is the only saving grace. Then again, this is the board that claims the original Witcher is a fucking masterpiece, when every gameplay element is the most hacked together slav-shit ever. That being said, again, the story is good.

sticker star
i even wrote a paper in college about how shit it was a while ago

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Maybe he's usually good at discerning which games he'll like and doesn't pick up bad games just to say he's played them?

Fate/Extella LINK
I only bought it because you can play as Emiya.

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Legitimately soulless

If that's the worst game you've ever played you clearly haven't played that many games.

yeah, for some reason my parents wouldn't let me import a whole TV from america and have the house rewired to only pump out half the power voltage. ugh

Hudson Hawk on the NES is up there due to how crushingly brutal it is.

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Left Alive.

If you think DoC isn't a contender, you clearly haven't even played it.

not him, but it's not even bad bad. it's painfully below average. but it works and isn't inherently broken, plot isn't any worse than other VIIcompilation shit. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but to call it the worst game ever is a pretty big stretch.

>First game I demanded a refund for
Warcraft 3. massive disappointment coming from ToD/BtDP