yet one one gets shit for it
Here we have 3 linear hallway simulator pieces of shit
FF13 sucks ass, get over it
what's wrong with hallways?
Because FF13 was also shit in every way imaginable.
people for some reason dont remmeber that FF7 for like 20 to 30 hours is a hallway with open world illusion.
FFX was a hallway simulator but it suited the narrative. You were on a pilgrimage. FFXIII has the characters wandering aimlessly without a clue but still keeps them on rails.
Because 10 and 7R actually open up regularly. 13 railroads you for over 20 fucking hours before dumping you in a big, empty fields with a few "sidequests" (see: tougher fights) you can't really do yet. Also most enemies in the field will shit on you, so keep following that objective marker like a good dog.
And to make matters worse, 13 didn't even have a coherent story or likeable cast.
why did sephiroth spoil Aerith's death less than an hour into the remake?
>world maps are hallways
Because XIII notoriously did the shittiest job of them all
who cares if it's an illusion as long as that illusion is good?
This. It made sense to be going down a set path because you were fucking going somewhere. It wouldn't have made any sense for the characters to veer off into some open world field.
>bro you have all this empty open world that has nothing to offer except for the next town you HAVE to go and no other place
Well at least FFX is a good game. FFXIII is just a shit game and FF7R is subpar.
Which one did it the worst? 13.
Shut the fuck up, 13 apologist.
Did you have to go to wutai? I frankly don't remember.
why are you lying? you can go to any previous town as well as optional towns once you get the proper transportation.
FFX was made up of primarily hallways, yes. But typically had several hallways to choose from at any given time as well as ample opportunities for backtracking past areas, that would often change to some extent from when you had previously visited them.
This is way more than you can say for the other two games.
If the world map limits you to being able to access a single new location at a time then yes they are.
Nomura and Nojima have the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Also, since most FF7fags already know about Aerith's death they want to telegraph the shit out of it.
Because Nomura is retarded.
FFX has much bigger problems than being linear.
To fucking do what, guy
Everything in every town is designed to be completed the first pass through unless there's something you need to come back for with the airship
One of them has 0 npcs in it. ZERO.
The shops are terminals
The "sidequests" you get are from terminals.
You go to an amusement park and ride a chocobo for 2 minutes.
Its so fucking soulless.
why where they messing with Aerith at this point? was it to delay her so she could meet Cloud?
FFX has towns, NPCs, side quests, minigame, good story, great characters and great combat, and Nobuo Uematsu's last proper FF work. XIII is absolute soulless trash with no redeeming quality, the only good thing is the soundtrack.
Yeah. Sephiroth held up Cloud so he got there late.
When the only reason you barely want to keep playing an FF game is the battle system, you know something went horribly wrong.
>great characters
Im not lying. All i say is that ff7r and X have tiny less explorations but way more stuff to do in the "hallways" than in the original game, yet for some reason act like the original game has waaay more options are way more open. It is not, thats just pure nostalgia.
7r might not have open world or an overworld, but manages way better the side content.
this , I wished they had put more work into the game itself as they put into the soundtrack.
Nomura just have PTSD from when Sakaguchi wipped him in the creation of FF7. So he's destroying his legacy. It basically went like this.
>Look at mai amazingu designu sakaguchi san (Sephiroth with twenty belts and one KH wing)
>Fucke you piece of shit(backhands Nomura)
>Agane stay in roome until jyou make good design
>Nomura cries
FFX has a great plot and the sphere grid is fun to experiment with.
FF7R recontextualizes a ton of shit in the original and Nomura's tomfoolery is fascinating.
FF13 is just waifus with no personality aka FFX-2 but worse.
better cast of characters then 13 trannies
X has the best characters in the franchise. Only close enough deep characters are in VIII.
When was the last time you went out that you think people actually behave this way?
Not even the soundtrack is good, it's completely uninspired and generic compared to Uematsu's work and paired with other stylistic changes makes you question whether you're actually playing a Final Fantasy game at all.
But X-2 has actual good combat and tons of side content. How are they even comparable?
>Deep Characters
>But X-2 has actual good combat
Are you from bizarro world?
linear story is not linear game, ffvii amd ffx had a linear story (wich is great) but they weren't linear games, you could revisit allmost all locations unlike xiii
post ten examples
Holy shit anons he thought i was serious
Holy shit my sides oh no.
>VIII has the most forgettable characters
there's nothing wrong with linear games
real side quests are like in majoras mask, killing thirty versions of the same animal for some item is not a side quest, thats some wow bullshit
Is this the proto conzoomer?
Nothing but zoomers need to have boring, lifeless big, open plains.
ok, Sounds like is you who acts this way.
since when linear story games have become so hated.
open world isnt always the better choice.
you loose the focus for the story.
or you dont have one ,like skyrim or fallout.
agreed with X characters, but holy shit, VIII its an abysmal example, this game is trash
>M-muh open world
How retarded are FF fans to think their games weren't always linear?
Just because it had an overworld doesn't mean it isn't a hallway experience. And before people say "b-b-but overworld side content!!!!" 10, 13, and 7 remake all have detours on the way to the finish line.
If anything these games made FF better because there's no more trekking through 50000 random battles while trying to get through the shitty overworld just to get to where you need to go next.
Face it, you faggots have no real argument other than you don't like new things.
Play the game and pay attention, the game is very subtle and complex. Too bad side characters like Quistis don't get any character development later on but Squall, Rinoa, Laguna and arguably even Seifer are top tier FF characters.
Sephiroth started messing with the timelines by delaying cloud so that he never runs into Aerith. So the time ghosts come in and start attacking her so that She never moves from that spot. The time ghosts are Earth's defence system to make sure that fate goes exactly as it planned like holy was.
13 felt like a unfinished game no side quests, towns or npc to break up the gameplay it was literally just run forward and fight then watch a cinematic
>b-but atleast the battle system was good
honestly it was to streamlined for my liking only having 6 roles to cycle threw on rotations gets boring. Sure there are many combinations you can have but I miss having a thief, geomancer, bluemage etc.... in short the customization is lacking
I can't speak for 10 but 13 had a lot of problems. 13 was entirely about the people in your group and those people sucked. In FF7 everyone is compelling and intersting. There are a lot of great characters outside of the core group. 13 is like if Seinfeld or the Simpsons got rid of all the support characters the quality would go down drastically and you'd be stuck with Friends. So since the characters are shit now your stuck with linear corridors with no exploration. 7 has enough divergences (though it needs more) that it is never as straight forward as 13 was. 7 has great characters, great dialogue, fun combat, excellent music and a good art style with fantastic lighting. 13 has shitty characters, cringe dialogue, uninteresting environments and battle system that is mediocre for a majority of it and never gets anywhere near as fun as 7's is from the start.
> I miss having a thief, geomancer, bluemage
The only Final Fantasy game where jobs matter is in Tactics everything else , anything goes.
>most forgettable characters
that reward should be for 9 and 12
There's a big fucking difference between a game being linear and XIII giving you a straight line to walk forward for most of the game without even having towns.
That entire segment where he leads Cloud through illusionary fire was a stall.
His goal right then and there was to prevent Aerith and Cloud from ever even meeting, by leading Cloud down some winding alleys and distracting him with nonsensical bullshit about the two of them saving the planet.
Then those meddling time jannies and their fucking dog foiled his plans by forcing Aerith to stay in the area until Cloud finally did show up.
But Sephiroth, never one to be deterred by things such as fate or making players content with getting the same thing as always, tried to switch up tactics and tried to apply some cryptic warning to Cloud about this girl he just met that makes it sound like she's going to suffer if she hangs around him. Without outright telling him she'll straight up be killed, otherwise the jannies might NOOOOOOOOO him away like they did Hojo.
After that it's just Sephiroth spending an entire game manipulating Cloud and implanting visions of Aerith's death into Cloud's head with the Jenova cells in Cloud's body.
Look Cloud.
This girl dies Cloud.
You're probably responsible. Don't you think?
7 seconds buddy.
7 seconds is how long you have.
Because that's how long it takes the other me to drop from the heavens and ram my big long rod deep into her quivering womb.
All you need to do is save her, Cloud. SEVEN SECONDS CLOUD.
Because if Aerith lives, then Sephiroth wins. That's what he's trying to set up. Because this sephiroth is from the future, as evidenced by the black Advent Children wing and the fact that advent children music plays during that first encounter and literally nowhere else.
I don't mind hallways I just hate it when they shit on one game for it (XIII) and praise others VIIR and X.
>you can go to any previous town as well as optional towns once you get the proper transportation
Just like FFX
Yes, the entire narrative was tailored for this too.
>Face it, you faggots have no real argument
My problem is immersion. While the previous games had locked content and there was only so much you could visit there was an illusion of and the presentation of whole world. X is one of my favorite FFs and the linear design suits great the focus on its story about a journey but the endgame reveals how "gamey" and artificial it feels, you know what I mean? There are side locations but they are lobby area select instance options, not lets take Highwind or Ragnarok and go to this real place in this real world. I would prefer if X had real world map and even the main journey detour areas. They could've been blocked by magical brambles you get to destroy with some endgame item, I don't care, but it should've been there. That's my only problem with otherwise perfect game.
based, literally all FFs outside of the MMOs, 15 and 12 are hallways with the illusion of open world
Its amazing how FF7R is some shitty combination of 13 and 15 with a equally retarded plot and yet it gets a pass for having the number 7
At least in LR the areas became more open worldish but I cant defend 13 or especially 10 cause it started the hallway shit to begin with
Is this a copypasta now?
9 is cool, i like vivi, steiner and daggers (mainly her butt), 12 had Balthier at least.