Thoughts Yas Forums?
Sony confirms Horizon Zero Dawn trilogy
They should focus on making one good game
this game is suck a fucking bore.
Sequels ruined gaming, in the 90s games were better because they were designed as standalone entries & functioned as complete games. Nowadays everything is deliberately unfinished so it can set up a franchise, only for people to stop caring after the 2nd game
Still weirds me out how well received this game was. It was ubisoft collectathon open world to the core, the only thing that really stood out was the robot dinos. Was it really that memorable to people?
they can keep it
Even funnier when the games are never finished so we're left with sequel bait that never goes anywhere
the trannies are winning guise
Whelp it's officially the new assassins creed. You have a hit and then you milk it for all it's worth. Wouldn't be surprised if they make her a rug muncher. Then again, long as I can put her in an outfit that shows of dem abs, I'm alright.
yes it takes way too long to kill the fucking dinos and there are way too many of them also the world doesn't make any sense because somehow in a village with ten people every one is a different race so it's impossible to care about anyone
first heavily marketed AAA featuring ugly nu-female?
This is one of tha least memorable games I have ever played. Combat is barely servicable, the story is shit, the main protagonist is wearing full plot armor since the cave intro where she can use ancient technology from the get go.
Nothing about it is more than a 4/ 10 apart from the graphics but when everything else is a bore, they matter little.
And now they are making sequels
fake diversity is the most effective agenda
you can't have blacked tier shit without a white and a black person
>It was ubisoft collectathon open world
Normalfags fucking LOVE that formula.
dont give a shit lol
wont even pirate
I saw H:ZD really cheap in the spring PSN sale. Never took much interest in it, is it any good? What other games is it most like?
Assasins creed meets monster hunter world. But a shittier version of both.
this but with SJW on screen text for some reason
It is worth 101~2usd for the complete edition, it isn't a bad game by any means but it is nothing else than a graphics showcase.
Got it for $10 at one point and it's definitely worth that price. The combat is entertaining and the map is pretty fun to explore and unlock. Still haven't beaten it though, I keep dropping it to play other games.
Im in. Add more to exploring and traversal like something from uncharted, rock climbing, maybe some futuristic robe for climbing. Co-op vcg reporter is also really cool aspect, make new machines, harder to takedown and do it with a buddy, thanks to ps5 only and ssd, maybe ability to override stormbeasts and fly with them. I genuienly enjoyed first game
Sequel is a given after how massive success it was. Same for Horizon, it was supposedly greenlit for sequel only after commercial success
don't listen to these trannies
Yeah this is what I hate about continuations. If a film/game telling a story depends on next entries to tell their story but ends up getting cut then you'll only end up with unfinished products.
>all AAA games are planned as a trilogy
>AAA game sells millions, trilogy confirmed
The sequel will improve upon a few mechanics, game journalists will love it by default and the story will pull an antagonist out of its ass instead of relying on the current set up they have.
The third game will make a gameplay change that fans hate but the mainstream critics will gargle gonads over. The story will then make Aloy die and become second jesus.
Both games will receive fuckloads of awards and press but fade away in relevance by 2028.
Cool. I enjoyed the game, and think the original formula can be improved by simply adding more to it.
Mainly more robot dinosaurs and a Breath of the Wild styled hang-glider.
Don't get me wrong, I also disliked the game, specially melee and that damn useless dodge and find MC looks like an ugly monkey but it is still a serviceable game, and if anyone is on the fence of any game I'd say it is better t try it yourself for cheap.
sounds boring. I'm a snoy but Horizon bored the fuck out of me, the world is just not very interesting. Give me another Days Gone for more cascadia kino.
I think they have a good thing going with Sylens. He was by far the most interesting character in the game and he had a big sequel hook ending as the new lead antagonist.
Sylens will die game 2 but then have a redemption either at the end of the game or during 3 he will "have been right all along"
I actually "like" this game and Im telling you its the safest most predictable thing ever.
the combat is good, not at the same level as something like monster hunter, but the part gimmick is interesting. The game is an open world at is core though which mean you will see the usual like tower to reveal map, crafting etc. like every other open world game
>effortless third person action adventure game from sony is getting a sequel
who knew?
it took Gorilla 7 years to make
best adjective would be safe
I don't think HZD would be much more memorable than other copy-paste Ubisoft sandbox games if not for the robo-dinos.
But it does have robo-dinos, and that unironically makes all the difference for me. I never got tired of running around fighting them.
No thoughts. Only blank mind, until I hear what Yas Forums hivemind thinks. Then I will form my opinion based on what they think.
He's playing with fire but I wouldn't call him the bad guy. He's going to learn about the machinations of the frozen head of ted and contact Aloy for help at the start of the next game
>Im in. Add more to exploring and traversal like something from uncharted, rock climbing, maybe some futuristic robe for climbing. Co-op vcg reporter is also really cool aspect, make new machines, harder to takedown and do it with a buddy, thanks to ps5 only and ssd, maybe ability to override stormbeasts and fly with them. I genuienly enjoyed first game
I just hope they will drop some open world cliché in favor of something more original and better use of the open world. Also even more robot diversity would be nice
don't care, irrelevant IP.
that's brutal to think about. I can imagine myself shelling out 7 years of trying my best at being creative only for me and everyone else at work to come out with something simply "ok". 7 years dedicated to mediocrity.
From what I remember hearing about the game, the robo-dinos/animals were the high points of the game where conversely the human fights were a slog and dull in comparison.
So if the next game focuses on them it sounds like it could be quite nice in that aspect.
Bloodborne>God of War>Spider-Man>>>>>>Horizon=Days Gone=Killzone Shadowfall
Yeah aside from some creature designs this game was boring. Still haven't finished it
>7.5fps per eye
lmao, what a joke
I think fights with humans would be more interesting if the melee had any more depth to it beyond spamming the spear button, or if bandits utilized enemy machines more (like riding them into combat), but as is they're mainly just a set-up for trading pot-shots with each other and basic stealth encounters with the bow.
A lot of them are kept to optional bandit camps though, so whatever.