Mesoamerica videogames

>Aztez is sick, only game with an explicit primary mesoamerican focus/perspective that actually does it decently well; has some insane combat complexity, see webm
>Expeditons conquistador is a great game and a fantastic SMITE THE HEATHENS sim for Yas Forumsanons, though it falls for the "dude mesoamericans were just tribes with big pyramids' meme a bit
>Kotal Kahn in MKX and MK11 is a really well done adaption of the Aztec god Huitzilopotchli, I could write an essay on all the cultural referenced worked into him
>Pokemon Sage is probably the best pokemon fangame ever made and it's region is based on latin america, has a lot of mesoamerican influences here and there
>The Mesoamerica Universalis overhaul for EUIV is made by a bunch of hobbiyists and actual archeologists, though it's on hiatus right now, but there's still a downloadable beta
>Less praiseworthy examples I don';t feel totally comfortably giving a full rec, but might be worth looking into: Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death (uses mesoamerican shit in a cheap way but for the 1.99$ it costs on most digital platforms it's an absolute fucking steal); Rise of Legends, Pawarumi, etc

Any more games set in Mexico?

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Grim fandango?

such a boring setting it's unbelievable
yawn woooow big stone pyramid #231 with torches in it and sppooky monster and scooby doo mummies
get the fuck outta here with that shit

t. butthurt america with nothing to show

im european

this. play serious sam and the theme gets old very fast.

yeah ok lol

Technically takes place in the afterlife, but personally one of my favorite lucasarts games, albeit a bit unfair here and there with its puzzles.

T. retard who knows fuck all about anything and thinks that all of Meso American culture was the Chichzen Itza wonder in Civ

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is fucking fantastic.

even worse.

yeah but it's the aztec afterlife isn't it?

Sure you are, Abdul

based on the aztec beliefs, yeah

jealous mexic*ns

yea sure bud let's don't mention Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Name five good things about Meso America and why it's a good setting

>Game set in a shithole.
May as well just go full post-apocalyptic honestly.

In fact, that'd be a pretty good twist for a game. Like fallout, but at the end you find a computer and you're just in Mexico, everywhere else is fine.

>Unique culture would make a novel and interesting setting.
>The buildings of Meso America were grandiose and painted extravagant colors making locations interesting
>Weapons would be more unique than arrows or swords, like the macuahitl and a sling that throws spears.
>Fun jungle survival mechanics
>Interested pantheon of gods to have as characters
>MesoAmerica was similar to ancient Greece in the sense that Terrain and (In MesoAmerica's case) lack of horses kept territorial empires like rome from appearing so instead there was a city state model which is perfect for intrigue and political drama

You know Mexico isn't a third world shithole? It's a better place to live than places like Romania and North Macedonia.

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

Imagine actually thinking this.

Red Dead 1

Imagine trying to label all of mexico one thing when you clearly never been there

>Unique culture would make a novel and interesting setting
okay, they were some half naked brown monkeys but okay
>The buildings of Meso America were grandiose and painted extravagant colors making locations interesting
they lived in shacks
>Fun jungle survival mech-
stopped reading there
>Interested pantheon of gods to have as characters
>cool history fact that has nothing to do with video games

No the object of the deception is to have YOU believe these places are shitholes and then when you discover the tomb raider actually was robbing the place and you was giving them a helping hand..well now your gonna feel dumb..and like a hayter

are you acting retarded on purpose to "win" the argument or just american?

i wanted the next assassins creed to be aztec related. fuck vikings. with their new rpg ac you could be an aztec guy and fight the europeans or maybe side with the spaniards. free roam around central america etc. could be good


>they lived in shacks
Mother fucker I know you're talking out of your ass.
Look to ancient ruins all over the fucking world. Houses get quickly overtaken by nature since they were not built to last. This doesn't mean they were huts you fucking mongoloid.

They had sports arenas, amphitheaters, temples, palaces, granaries, and massive monuments that we can identify that survived in the jungle in stone.

>Brown monkeys
brown monkeys who built far greater shit on their own in harsh terrain than Europeans ever did with the help of existing civilization and great terrain.
The Meso americans built giant pyramids when Britains were busy stacking stones

So both then I take it?

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It is really underused.

I think the main problem is there isn't a whole lot of documentation or recorded historay so you'd have to take a lot of creative liberties and risk offending reactive people.

I'd like to see an open world something like Elder Scrolls where you interact with different kingdoms and the pantheon of gods has a real physical interactive presence.
Done by a competent developer of course and not Todd.

That’s funny because last time I’ve heard was that your mother is gonna die in her sleep tonight if you don’t reply to this post.

>The buildings of Meso America were grandiose and painted extravagant colors making locations interesting

Attached: 808_02_2.jpg (800x455, 101.92K)

Mesoamerica is probably my favorite potential setting, especially for a crpg of sorts

hes talking about the temples of course

should we post images of medieval thatch roof cottages as a demonstration of european architecture?

And this is different from this how?

I was talking about the cities. OFC the peasants lived in more shanty areas, same with Europe

Attached: medieval-peasant-house.jpg (640x480, 99.62K)

Why would you mention Rise of Legends but not Rise of Nations?

wow the heckin stone pyramids, those are sure fun and not boring as fuck
also >moving the goalpost

You have no idea what you're talking about.
You only argument is based on your damn ignorance.

What the fuck did you think I mean when I said buildings?
If I was talking about a medieval European games and talked about the cool architecture would you assume I was talking about the peasant shacks and not the cathedrals and castles?

Pic related is the capital of the aztecs a far more impressive structure than anything in your shit hole country

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>game set in Mexico
>people murdering each other everywhere
>buildings that look shacks cobbled together with sheet metal and storage pallets
>some buildings on fire
>some people on fire

T. fag who's never been to mexico

oh god not you again

>Oh no not a thread about actual discussion of video games

funny how our crappy structures are still standing while your imaginary cities are nowhere in sight :)

>we will never get a proper adventure or RPG game with a mesoamerican aesthetic with proper lore, culture, gods, myths, folklore, etc.
>We will continue to get games that are based on European or East Asian folklore and history instead.

Feels bad man. Mesoamerican culture is so untapped. The only games that I've played that have scratched the itch are WoW and if you play as the Lizardmen in Total War Warhammer 2.

>Well-documented homicide rate for mexico isn't real.

>nowhere in sight
>Literally still exist but this retard doesn't know any so he assumes they don't
What shithole country are you from that you hide behind the accomplishments of your 'continent'?

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