What's Yas Forums's opinion on this?
What's Yas Forums's opinion on this?
haha those crabs are crazy LOL
Those crabs have very poor mahjong etiquette.
fuck why are there crabs on the thumbnail
crabs look like they having fun
I am also confused
crabs can't play mahjong thought
I like mahjong.
You have Goot to thank for that. If it’s any consolation whoever posted the crab image has to deal with your image’s thumb nail
Stupid crabs
Way too much of a coincidence to happen MORE than twice this week with an OP post, what's your method to do this?
>hover over image
>it's crabs but then transitions into brawlhalla
>it's not a gif
Crabs look like they having a fun game
Rrrgh... crab battle...
i wanna see the crabs
found the post that had the OP thumbnail
Link it.
What was it about? I'm actually fucking interested since it ruined my stupid post.
Link the post, dipstick.
It's just when a post is made exactly the same millisecond. Somewhere on some board, someones got brawlhalla as their thumbnail hiding their moeblob shit
Nope, user linked the post that stole my thumbnail and the fucker still has mahjong crabs as the image
Mahjong is a cheap smash ripoff?
>Somewhere on some board
no, it's restricted to the board you're posting on. the whole thing is a result of how the Yas Forums servers store their files for images and thumbnails: by naming them after the UNIX timestamp
Based crabs, GOTY
More like the opposite. Nintendo was build by gambling yakuza after all.
I hate CRAB
And we hate you.
How did you guys not know this?
I liked Mahjong the first week or so, then it became as boring as poker just waiting for tiles to build my hand while some other cunt 1000-points every round.
I thought only 1 got swapped and the other stayed.
Is this the newfaggot thread?