>The raw power of CPU, memory bandwidth and SSD are very impressive compared to the current gen consoles. Games are always hungry for power to render more beautiful graphics. For me personally, I’d love to see more physics gameplay from next-gen games. It is very hard to pick one best feature between memory bandwidth and SSD. If I have to pick one, memory bandwidth might be the one.

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>mfw that one dumb fag who argued with me that PS5 has nothing special when it comes to bandwith and DMA interface in comparison to generic Gen4 NVME SSDs

WHen your 5k premium rigs gonna be betfo'ed by 500$ console let;s talk again

>being this delusional

Stop being poor.

Sure, do you want my paypal or bank account number to fix this situation? And I will stop immediately after the transaction, in fact, immediately with atomic precision

>power of the cell
>supercharged PC
>more impressive SSD
on the off chance that sony SOMEHOW doesnt go bankrupt by next gen, I can't wait to see what their next marketing term literally only reterded sony cucks fall for is

Get a job lmao

ps5 is a filler gen console
ps5 pro and/or ps6 will be used to push their "8k" TVs

it's one of those shit articles where the title dramatizes what's actually being said, of course I'm only judging based on the greentext when compared to the title of the article in the image

This. I'm looking forward to it. Maybe it will be turbo fans to cool down their oven consoles. Or some proprietary motherboard. Maybe a power supply with the power of the sun and rgbs.

sony net income 8.5 billion usd in 2019, tortanic bros

yeah but can it do 60fps?

my quad core i5 from 2014 can do 60fps

Sony fanboys are so blindly loyal to sony they'd literally try and rewrite the laws of physics to make their console look better. According to the average sony shill you see posting in gamefaqs, Twitter etc an SSD can LITERALLY increase GPU power to the point if you were somehow able to hook up an SSD to your smartphone you could play RDR2 on it at 4k 60 fps. Not my words, the worst of Sony shills.

the joke is consoles still can't do 60 fps for any games

yeah but these new consoles definately can at least in terms of CPU, maybe some first party super duper movie game will be 30fps but multiplats can do 60fps in terms of CPU for sure

>cross play being explored
As if its hard when a switch game did it accidentally

They won't because they keep pushing meme resolutions, Xbox is talking about fucking 8k already.

if they have the CPU headroom (tjhey will at least on multiplats) they will allow you to have performance (1080p or something) mode and movie mode (4k) I assume

Playstation truly is...... The place to play™

I wish consoles could let us choose our resolutions so that we can get the fps we want.

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Lmao and give other people advantages?

I don't understand why people are meming ablut the PS5 winning because it has an SSD. Doesnt the new Xbox also have an SSD?


sony SSD has over twice the bandwidth, matching single channel DDR3

christ the ps5 controller is ugly

Attached: frozen.gif (354x356, 2.41M)

Great. What's it useful for?

TBQHF the SSD is a total game changer for Sony consoles.

Attached: MHW loading times.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

memory management

at least for single player games

Imagine the advertising
>120 fps
>8k res!
With a tiny tiny tiny "or" in the middle

you can now create games that weren't possible before because of bottlenecks and get rid of dumb game design choices because of hardware limitations (slow walking cutscenes to hide loading)

>consoles still can't do 60 fps for any games
Bruh, what?

when you move in a game like GTA V you're loading shit from your hard drive to ram constantly, now when the hard drive is fast as fuck you can load much more data in the same amount of time with the same movement, meaning the environments can be comprised of much higher detailed assets

there's many benefits but this excites me maybe most

More buzzword marketing that consoles will TOTALLY outdo PCs this time! Unlike the last two gens where we said it and it was a bald-faced lie!

Ok, do we have any idea if the controller is capable of moving that much data sequentially, and if not, what are the I/OPS on it? Because current gen NVME SSDs can overheat, and their I/OPS are no better than SATA because it's entirely based on the controller.

What that'd mean is, it could load the same number of files as a SATA SSD, but those assets could be a larger size. If we consider the I/OPS of a typical SSD is around 100k, and a model is around 5 megabytes (not incl. textures), we aren't even going to begin to scratch the performance possibilities from an 8GB/s SSD. It means it's fucking worthless.

if more console games take advantage of the ssd speeds, then we'll see more ssd only games kind of like star citizen where the game is a single digit fps stutter fest without one.

fooling console negross into thinking they're getting something special

yes, if you watch the road to ps5 video, mark cerny goes over the memory controller and the surrounding hardware which allows it to move 8-9GB/s of uncompressed data sequentally without the CPU having to step in, there's many things they have that allows a high throughput so I recommend you watch that video if you're interested in the hardware features

So, how many times will people fall for this shit? You'd think these drones would learn.

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