Does anything describe the modern gamer better?

Does anything describe the modern gamer better?

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it honestly describes Yas Forums pretty well


when has that happened?

saying that you wont buy the game is not the same as demanding that the devs change it to pander to you

Sexualized women in video games are fine.
Trans girls in video games are fine.

Who gives a shit

I mean if the tranny is hot, i'm still ok with it. Niggas still down with Poison.

desu he's right but Yas Forums can handle that.

>you just want a female character you're comfortable objectifying and sexualizing

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A lot of morons here. Or at least they give the impression they do.

censorship of women's bodies doesn't apply to men in dresses on hormone pills

huniepop 2 I think?

I'll never be ashamed of being a coomer


A bunch of faggots who don't play games at all sums it up well.

Retarded strawman

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Sasuga, nu-commies.

>Appreciation of the beautiful female body

One is peak performance while the other one is mental illness. It's not censorship, it's just not ruining your game

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Does it make you upset that most gamers are still straight males?? That they’ll always be and if they ever aren’t, well there will be no more games?

Trans girls are fucking disgusting tho.

>demand developers change her into a cis girl
That’s one hell of a strawman

>"i hate politics is games!" no you just want a female you're comfortable objectifying and sexualizing
The two do not contradict one another. You can enjoy the artistic interpretation of a woman's appeal while still disliking politics in games.

>B-b-b-b--but EVERYTHING is political!
Sure it is, if you're deranged enough, tranny. But for the rest of us normal non insane humans, you look like a nutjob.

Yes, and? I'm sraight as fuck fat male who wants some tiddy and bagina so yes I do want that

or no buy, simple as that

that's not a modern gamer, though. that's a Marxist poser.

>woman fought to stop being objectified and be allowed to do what they want
>numales fight to stop woman from being objectified by not allowing them to do what they want
It never get old

Just look at porn


>being anti-political is politics
can't argue with that one

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And then they wonder why 'gamers' hate them and their sophistries.


Correct, but unbased.
Sexuality should not be represented in video games.

Porn isnt replacement, it is complimentary and different type of media.

>Bro if you say youre antipolitical you are actually being political

Is this the defacto midwit gotcha?

shes 100% right if youre describing a western game with a tranny char, but noone genuinely bats an eye if japan does it as it's generally done without idpol shit in the back of their mind and just to have it

Trannies are a mistake

It's almost like she's describing a primarily heterosexual dating simulator where the goal of the game is to objectify and sexualize women, and that by forcing in a trans girl it makes the primarily straight, male audience uncomfortable because they're not at all interested putting their dick in men who have to dilate for hours every day in order to keep a gaping, festering wound that they call a vagina from closing

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Gamers want both. How does oggling women contradict a distate for lgbt politics? I don't think gamers ever claimed they didn't want to stare at hot girls.

Trans girls, whether they identify as a girl or not, do not have women's bodies

>They cry about censorship, but all that's being censored is shit that I cried about!!!!
Day of the Rope when?

You're being political in either case, sorry if that was too hard for your feeble mind to understand.

Isn't this a myth? Does anybody here actually care? If anything adding trans characters is hot and could make things more interesting, also funny if you can make a trans player character cause you can imagine the wack looking characters you could make.

>Trans characters
What? Why? They're such a minority of a minority it's insane.
>UwU chopping off my Dickie makes me special
>My tits were annoying anyways, sew a rotting sausage onto me.

>trannies angry about girls being inherently superior

What else is new

so some shitty porn vn

>men like sexy women

A character should be more than they're gender.

Trans people are almost entirely about their gender, which makes them boring characters.

But, if you want to include them, whatever.

>gamers are upset when stuff they like is removed
>gamers are upset when stuff they don't like is added

Remember when everyone went apeshit about a trans flag in Celeste?
Or when the same happened with Hat in Time?
Yeah,lots of people here are stupid enough to care

Trannies are not people

OP is a (twitter screencap posting) faggot

In warframe they added nezha who was considered girl at first and then everyone demanded deluxe skin with skirt and called him trap. DE banned everyone permanently who called him trap.


They added octavia which is in TransRights color as a default color.

Pic related im not even shitting you.

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Who even cares about games where character's identity matters. Plot and lore is gay.

Why are you spamming this image everywhere?

Only vidya tranny I know of is Erica from Catherine, who is actually a good character that people liked, but trannies cried about it to the point where they censored one of the endings IIRC. The commie in OP’s pic is full of shit.

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didnt that game come out before all the culture war stuff though, doesnt really apply.

Can I have sexualized trans girls in my game please?

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Is it too much to ask to get a game that caters to neither coomers or trannies?

What I see is both sides doing the same thing. Both sides want their sexualized idols, and both sides argue under the assumption that ALL games should appeal only to their tastes.

Reality is that games with trannies in them are actually good. Good because it gives those people their outlet. Like a containment board. After all, without /mlp/ we'd still see that shit on EVERY board. So the same thing would work with games as well
Give them their containment games, series and franchises, and they might just leave our established shit alone.

The catch is that these games would have to be made for those people and no one else. So straight people bitching every time they see some new SJW IP isnt helping.
Much like the fact that our games arent for them, their games arent for us. The two groups need to learn to fuck off to their corners and leave each other be.

I mean thats kinda understandable, trap is a pretty tainted term now days and most normies view it as a slur to some degree. Im pretty sure you can just call yourself something else instead of some memey slur

is it saying it want's to be objectified too?

Yes to the former. Normal people like attractive characters. Sorry about that.

if your character's only defining character trait is that they are the [Black/Gay/Trans/etc] character, you have failed as a writer.

Is this tweet about that fucking HuniePop 2 game where the developer tried to add a fucking trannie to a dating game where the goal was to objectify and sexualize women by taking them on dates and then eventually fucking them?

Because yeah, no fucking shit people were uncomfortable with that, especially since fucking every "girl" is literally required for completion and straight men don't want to fuck trannies.

Plenty of such games and coomers are fine with them and love a lot of them.
But then trannies enter the arena and they find something to be upset about these games, something that is missing and does not cater to them
You cant win here

I don't need tits to appreciate a good story you coomer faggot

I don't think a lot of people would like it very much if Christian or Scientologist propaganda was inserted into their videogames. Bodies aren't ideologies.

Dragon Age2 had plenty of these that didnt just have their gender as defining trait and they were written in details.
Yet DA2 still was shit in every aspect

Wanting trans people in games is an inherently political act though. The group has several flags they wave around which defines them as a political group.

>don't want degeneracy shoved in your face by the game devs that think it's right

>No, you just want a female character.
Exactly. Fuck men dressed as girls, we want actual girls.

the dev is a literal boomer, he thought tranny meant trap/futa and he came out with a tweet clearing this up.

i want men dressed as girls who are cute.

BOTH are cancer

The argument could be.made that things like """""gender""""" and sexual preference have no place in games. Like, why should we be subjected to a sexually charged political tirade when it's a game about dragons or killing terrorists or whatever other ridiculous fantasy scenario?

And then there's the people (like myself) who play games specifically to get away from idiotic faggots telling me I'm evil just because i exist all the god damned time.

Lastly, yes. People care. That's why fags and straights alike never shut the fuck up about it.

that's not better. traps and futas are fucking disgusting.

Dangerously based