>betrays you
Other urls found in this thread:
>she's your ally
KEK, also checked
>those graphics
ok boomer
Alyx killing her in the leaked ending feels like such a shit arc.
>Half-Life 2
>various mechanics explored across its levels
>every single new one is executed in an extremely simple way
>this is in fact Valve's plan, they want to explore the mechanics in depth in future game, but it never happens
>existing base shooting mechanics are nerfed compared to Half-Life 1, guns lack punch, enemy AI is worse
>you still cocksuck the game, cause you played it as a kid and never grew up mentally
What did you mean by this?
Btw the same problem exists in many other overhyped games, e.g. The Last of Us, which is a competent basic stealth game, but its fans cocksuck it to high heaven cause they only played Uncharted before.
Enemy AI is good, the level design is just unfair to them.
you are mad
alyx is my wife. my.... half-wife!!!
Who? What?
you need to elaborate on what you mean with the guns lacking punch, and the enemy ai being worse.
they seemed to be better, like the shotgun is actually a good weapon now.
The enemy AI was shit. It never puts any pressure on the player and constantly exposes itself. That's not the level design, that's just the game being deliberately made easy.
Is there a more uninteresting character in the history of video games?
>she's asian
>a dog
fuck shes so ugly
Was Judith the mystery lady in Half Life: Alyx?
>they combine
I'm going to blow your fucking mind
Ju dith Moss man
Gor Don free man
Her prissiness about how it "could have been her in the test chamber that day" is a both a "hey maybe she was in a parallel universe" plus a joke about female protagonists & the fact that switching Gordon out with a woman wouldn't even be noticeable to the player
>judith mossman
>betrays you
really makes you think
>"Alyx is a realistic down to earth strong female character in a video game! Finally!"
>Alyx is a tomboy but also feminine, an expert in both hand to hand and firearm combat, super smart and an expert in robotics, always up for adventure, tough but soft when she needs to be, attractive but in a "girl next door" kind of way, utterly infatuated with the player character from the moment she meets him, etc., etc.
Some of the most blatant waifu pandering I've ever seen in a video game and fucking morons put her on pedestal as an example of the female character "done right" while mocking characters like Lara Croft as being terrible female characters. How does Valve keep getting away with feeding people shit and getting praise and acclaim in return?
I thought that was what was supposed to be assumed? She does seem more assertive, and eager to help the combine than in the other games, but that might just be a time thing.
Not all jews are bad.
>even betrays those for who she betrayed
Because everyone was a horny teenager when they first played HL2.
>Gordon Freeman
>Super down to earth and stoic
>Gordon is a tomboy but also feminine
>Expert in hand to hand combat, amazing firearm handling
>Super smart, an expert in theoretical physics, always has the solution to physics puzzles
>Always up for science
>Tough but soft, attractive but in a "boy who always knows what to say" kind of way
How does valve keep getting away with feeding people shit and getting acclaim in return?
Right, it's just never outright stated so it remains an implication. Judith is the one that makes most sense though, for sure.
you want to know why Alyx is better than the other femoid characters. Its because she's grateful and nice to the people around her. She hugs, kisses, and thanks people who are nice to her. And she doesn't conflate antagonism with strength.
leaked ending? I find your ability to be duped by fake shit amusing.
People like Alyx because she isn't annoyingly dramatic and doesn't constantly reference how she's a woman surrounded by men. She's basically a female version of Barney that acts as a companion character to the player.
That's fucking stupid but also the exact kind of humour I'd expect from valve.
But it was posted by one of the writers on their blog.
When has anyone ever said Gordon Freeman is a male character "done right" and all the rest of them are shit? Alyx has been treated as the gold standard since the release of HL2 by western gaming journalists and she's practically jap incel pandering tier crap. It just boggles my mind.
>Alternate universe
>You don't free the Vortigaunts
>You moss them instead
She was raped by vortigaunts.
(((Kleiner))) was the one who introduced these two together