All they had to do was keep her original design. What the fuck were they thinking?

All they had to do was keep her original design. What the fuck were they thinking?
Why are these so called ethics against well endowed females?

Attached: 1587049721091.jpg (630x496, 30.26K)

Because they're unrealistic. You can't obtain Tifa's chest without plastic surgery or overeating.

How does one obtain Barret's physique without overeating or implants?

*hides thread*

By being BLACK, e.g. superior genes.

They're basically like the schizoids on Yas Forums that think if someone sees a non-white character in a game it will destroy western civilization as we know it. Just replace non-white with sexy female and replace western civilization with womens rights.

How did you get this picture of my chest son?

Attached: grandma.jpg (584x329, 46.73K)

The fuck is up with retards wanting Z cups on all their female characters? Tifa's tits were big in the original, they're still big. End of discussion

Who cares

>constant shitposting for like 2 months

>been out two weeks

>already forgotten
>Hype locusts swarrmed it, went nuts, moved on fast

>few dying threads about fucking boobs

like clockwork

You can't be this stupid.

They were having good taste.

the OPM workout

Attached: tifa2.png (1321x707, 1.01M)

>against well endowed females?
that tells me you haven't played the game to think that. Her tits are still massive, she just has a sports bra on now.

why do you believe retards on jewtube there was an ethics department?

A or B cups are the best. Bigger is a waste prove me wrong

Dude, get a fucking life already. It's fine as is.

If a male character had a big bulge and they made it smaller in a remake, would you be crying like this too?

What's with faggots wanting to destroy things that men enjoy?

>not wanting to motorboat huge melons
Bigger is always better

They are nowhere near what they were. She was popular for a reason and they took the reason away to appeal to some subhuman outrage-culture assholes. Fuck you.

All you wanna do is suck the tittie my man, rest is fucking fat

are you a faggot?

I mostly liked her for the martial arts and abs

It's the face that counts

Attached: Tiffany.jpg (1920x1080, 504.3K)

>subhuman outrage-culture assholes
You just described Yas Forums



I described the worst of Yas Forums and the core of Yas Forums's detractors. Hypocrite.

>waaah muh big tits! the game is ruined!
No just pointing out how pathetic all these manchildren crying like this sound

I understand your request, but I'm not in a mood to go on a jannitor forced vacation during quarantine


>tfw don't give a shit about the tits being 1% smaller but genuinely seething about Tifa's iconic red gloves being replaced with thin, black, boring plated shit

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Fucking liar

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large breasted women arent human and can be legally kept as slaves, according to sjws

Attached: boobs37.jpg (640x640, 37.66K)

75% of Final Fantasy fanbase is now females, it's why XV and 7R are fujo fests