Graphics are holding this medium back...

Graphics are holding this medium back. Game devs spend too much time on making things grand and realistic and don't realize how much it's hurting game length or gameplay, especially with deadlines not budging an inch since the 90s. In pushing graphics forward, everything else has taken a step back.

Attached: how-to-change-voice-language-ff7r.jpg (1920x1080, 167.39K)

ff7r is a terrible example for your point because they chose to sacrifice texture quality in some areas for more consistent performance. it also has a great combat system, so clearly muh grafix didn't get in the way of the gameplay. 50+ hours length also isn't bad at all for $60.

FF7 is in an interesting case, in that the sheer fidelity in which they rendered the main characters is part of the appeal. Unfortunately, it just contrasts really badly with everything else kinda looking like shit. It appeases the people who cry at the sight of Aerith, but anyone paying attention will notice the JPGs right behind her or the copy-pasted NPCs. So I think I could forgive FF7 if it was at least consistent.

DMC5 is a better example, because there's literally no reason they need to spend millions on the facial capture stuff when they main appeal of the series is goofy action. The photorealism just made the samey environments even worse to repeatedly slog through.

>because they chose to sacrifice texture quality in some areas for more consistent performance.
no they didn't you faggot, they just chose not to make textures because they knew people would buy it anyway and even defend their decision like you are right now.

you're literally a retarded goy for thinking textures that are bad by n64 standards are essentialy for performance.

Attached: so this is a ps4 exclusive.jpg (3840x1080, 730.58K)

The character models aren't even good. The only praiseworthy thing they did with them was the motion capture.

OP here, this isn't about FF7R, it was just the most recent game in my head that was like MUH GRAFIX.

On that note, a lot of people have excused the hold triangle sections as masking loading screens. But some of the worst offenders appear in very small environments that don't have a whole lot to them. Take first parts of Chapter 10 and 11. There's like nothing going on there and they're separated from the rest of the level by cutscenes. So when I'm slowly squeezing through trains I don't think it's hiding any loading because there's literally nothing there that could possibly warrant it.

For the first time in years SE focused on gameplay, characters and other stuff rather than graphics and they did a great job. It doesnt hold it back. its already 9.9 and better textures will turn it into a 10/10

You know the guys who develop gameplay and code and aren't the same people that make textures or 3D models? One doesnt really impact the other development wise.

>implying PS4 loading screens are a few seconds long
The fanboys will defend anything

Attached: the difference of 15 years.jpg (3828x1080, 549.35K)

wait a few seconds and let the textures load, retard
i went there and you just ran and took the screenshot fast so you see worse textures than usual

They are entirely different teams that get contracted to do certain jobs. They will hire some mongoloids to make assets and when they're done they stop paying them.

Development doesn't work like you think it does, where 200 guys are sitting in the "FF7 game dev" office until it's done. Some people will be crafting assets for several games at once not really knowing what they're for.

>The fanboys will defend anything

Attached: No more basement.jpg (2152x1612, 478.31K)

You can wait around all day and some things just never do, user. It's pretty clear they cut corners on the stuff they knew people wouldn't be paying attention to.

i went there in that place and it looks better.

Prove it.


Deadlines not budging?
Wasn't the release date missed multiple times?
Also, didn't it take 5 years to come out?

choose one.

The only reason they said they would be releasing the remake in episodes was because of the "production values" which nowadays translates to fancy graphics basically. FFVIIR graphics looks really good in the first mission and some other parts, but they clearly stopped giving a fuck when doing the slums.

From what I understand, they had to completely restart two years ago. Which isn't uncommon, but SE tends to be really bad about that sort of thing.

Everything about the medium is being held back and you should stop supporting those practices.

Attached: 1570091530533.png (219x219, 22.43K)

>Bethesda Game Studios
>famous for making terrible assets
>somehow made better assets 20 years ago than FF7's remake
>fanboys defend this because it's a console exclusive

They're just jewing people and making fan fiction. The high budget aspects of the game are generally things literally no one even asked for.

Attached: so this is an exclusive ps4 game.jpg (3840x1080, 537.41K)

What a dumb fucking claim. Youre a moron.

Explain how

it's not about gameplay anymore, it's about lights and mirrors.

embarrassing, if your going to whine about how its not on pc at least be honest

Attached: ff7ood.jpg (3840x2160, 742.34K)

I really really hope you are the kind of person who shits on Nintendo consoles for not having current generation hardware.

get trolled

>this salt

Attached: 120.jpg (1846x1079, 183.56K)

almost as good as crisis core

Attached: Sun vs Sunless.jpg (7680x2160, 1.39M)

Thank you

You're defending a texture bug, when it loads in you still have ps2 textures. How am I salty, saltmine-kun?

can you do this one next?

Attached: 1587034016318.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

>From what I understand, they had to completely restart two years ago. Which isn't uncommon, but SE tends to be really bad about that sort of thing.
Why did that happen anyway? How incompetent are they that they announce a title without even having a fucking team ready? If I recall correctly, they even outsourced it first god knows why.

This happened with KH3 as well due to to an engine swap. And Versus XIII restarted like 6 times. Square's retarded.

But the gameplay is great.

If they would focus on anything other than grafix we wouldn't have the walking/squeezing sections of the game. SE didn't focused on game play for over a decade you dumb shit, ff7 is a prime example. In depth of this game is as deep as your statement.

They outsourced it and apparently changed their mind about a proper remake, they wanted Nomura autism.