Any other games with trans characters besides Yakuza?

Any other games with trans characters besides Yakuza?

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Or TRANNY as I like to call them

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Notice how he doesn't call himself trans but the gender he identifies as.

Exactly. It's actually redpilled as fuck and all the women and trannies who like these games are getting a major dose of reality.


>that substory where Kiryu can get into a hotel with a tranny in K1 and lose health when he comes out

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why so many trannies in yakuza

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Because trannies are a simple way to get cheap laughs

>not posting based Goromi

Is this why white anons like Yakuza so much? All the trannies.

The only time Kiryu actually killed someone

There are like hundreds of gay bars and such in Shinjuku. Seeing queers there is like seeing otaku in Akihabara.

Trannies are gay but gays aren't trannies user you're confused

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There's a whole series for trains simulation on steam, user

Mother 3, which is why it is never being released in the west

You right.They're delusional faggots

indie games such as undertale


Code Veronica

Fuck max level prestige faggots.

Yakuzas main goal is to shove everything Japan normally pretends doesnt exist back into their faces. From crime to porn to daydrinking outside a Lawsons to even mentally ill trannies
Only in America does it seem to be a Japan simulator
Remember that mission with the trans bro and sis that you beat the shit out of?
>yes my first yakuza game was zero, how did you know?
Unless you stayed up all night playing yakuza 2 on 5 volume and a towel blocking light from the door, leave the thread
Based gaijin. I used to bang a girl who worked at the McDonalds at Roppongi station, so you know im legit

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The main reason I use Yas Forums is because we hate trannies. I hate that anywhere else you go is a safespace bubble where everyone is expected to be okay with them.

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why do girls like these games so much when they're basically tranny murdering simulators?

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>the main reason i use Yas Forums is because it's my safe space from trannies

He won and he'll win again
Stay mad


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because it's funny to laugh at them

if trans jsut dropped the term to call themselves trans and simply go for the gender they want to identify as, this whole situation wouldn't be confusing, but we all know they love to create terms so they can feel special which is why most people feel alienated next to them, they love to be freaks not normal

why do you "people" even come here?

>all walks of life
>being surrounded by buff dudes
>some of them wouldn't mind doing lewd things as it can create solid bonding
where do i sign up?

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is ok when japan do it

>He won