>smallest boss is by far the most difficult
Smallest boss is by far the most difficult
>the redditor attempts to blend in
How much of a jaded faggot do you have to be to not find animal shenanigans entertaining?
>the reddit contrarian
You have to go back my guy
>Nintendo Switch poster can't be on both at same time
>update breaks enemy AI
>optional end-game boss wanders through low-level area
Cows are just pussies unless their calf is involved. Used to help my grandad move them between fields once a week and if any stepped out of line I'd just clock them in the face and they would move back.
Had one try to charge me once and I just ran towards it while shouting to make it turn tail, then followed it up and clapped it cross the ass with a length of pipe we used as walking sticks.
>enemies taunt after killing you
>giant boss is a QTE
Why did he do it bros? There's no fucking reason to step on the bird.
horses are the fucking devil's creature, years of experience taught me that
look at that fucking stride
What the fuck is wrong with goose/ducks?
>AI can ponder
Something similar to manlet rage
Horses are known to kill small animals like birds so they can chew on their bones for iron
>enemy is unstoppable
am i supposed to be impressed a fish can eat land creatures less than half its size if they're dunked in water and drowning?
found the scorpion
>defeated boss escapes into a portal to the otherworld
>game has turnrates
I fucking hate horses.
That lion got Thanos snapped.
>berserker can use his rage energy to fly
>dog just gently but firmly pulling the goose away because he doesn't want to hurt it
What the fuck is up with people unironically being scared of geese? Sure, they are mean little fuckers, but t you can just grab them by the neck and swing until it breaks.
>suddenly an unexpected crossover happens
Out fucking played. Lion just ran away in sheer embarassment.
It's a good evolutionary survival strategy. Predators don't want to go after prey that has a strong chance of causing serious injury, because injuries can be debilitating in the wild. Aggressive animals appear like they could cause serious injury, so it is better safe than sorry.
To a bear, this is simply winning at life, he won the game and he's just basking in his victory.
what the fuck
>boss is swole
Darn. The lion got juked so hard it ceased to exist.
h-he's FAST
>you can befriend enemies
This is fake, right?