Now that the PS5 is just around the corner, what is the PS4's legacy?
Now that the PS5 is just around the corner, what is the PS4's legacy?
idk I never play video games
>ps3 game
>fake dev tools for a console at the end of it's life
>god tier
poor snoys
Getting back to the spirit of the Playstation 2 and undoing the damage of the abomination that was the Playstation 3
Being trash and forcing you to pay for psn
The last traditional Sony console that can only mumble "meh". A budget console that was vastly under powered since day one. A couple great games, and a a few over hyped walking simulators.
Snoy NPCs ate it up and made cali Snoy complacement. Setting the table to get blown the fuck out of the water next gen when Microsoft has better hardware, games, and services.
Moviegames and normies.
The occasional good anime game.
Fightans released on here first so that by the time they come to PC the playerbase has already dried up.
Please fuck off and kill yourself PC cuck. It was more powerful than the Spybox One.
until the pro came out and sony shat its pants
It was still very underpowered even in 2013
Underpowered console designed to play HDer versions of PS3 games.
One of the worst controllers in a decade.
Quality over quantity.
It would have been underpowered in 2012, too.
it was out an entire year before the one x
yeah and it was shit on release
Gaming on PC sucks and you fucking know it.
>No games
>Worst console
>Bloodborne machine
>Has the most retarded playerbase(Sold more)
>women in t-shirts and jeans
Both were very underpowered even at the time relative to previous consoles compared to GPUs of their time. I think there are probably two reasons for this
>they saw the success of the wii and took that to mean they're just wasting money trying to push """cutting edge""" hardware at slim to no profit
>they thought the game industry might be dying and didn't want to bother with anything to costly to develop
Jesus Christ how sad
Yeah, both the 360 and PS3 used high end graphics chips for their time. Then the Xbox One used a 7770 and the PS4 used a 7850. Embarrassing.
Th... that's it?!?!
But they were though.
Nothing now that it's *and PC
Censorship, Paid online and loss of third party / first party exclusivity.
The most notable ones are blood Bourne, God of War, uncharted games, gravity rush, Wipeout and Persona 5
That's I legit fucking sad, Jesus christ.
If it wasn't for third party games and more affordable price I wouldn't have bought the ps4
I legit do hope Sony gets destroyed this gen like the Xbox did last gen. They are way too dominant and knocking them done a peg or two will be great for the user base.
>MLB The Show 18
>MLB The Show 17
>MLB The Show 20
>MLB The Show 19
Grasping at straws aren't we?
>Bloodborne is the best exclusive from PS4 and nu-male of war is ok
>the rest are shit, movies, also on PC, capeshit, dead series
Jesus, such a bad GEN, i hope the next will be better.
It's going to remembered as the jet engine that played Bloodborne :/
Bros what happened?
Feels like they peaked with PS2 and it’s been severely downhill ever since
I won't as long people keep buying ps4 consoles for third party games.
They have no reason to do anything good while at the top with almost no competition
Mid gen of the ps3 was the start of the downfall
yup, to describe the ps4 in one word, it's "safe"
they made money on it from day 1, cost less to make one than they sold it for.
The console that won yet another generation