Did people really find all the secrets in this game back in the day, without using a strategy guide...

Did people really find all the secrets in this game back in the day, without using a strategy guide? Maybe I'm just a dumb zoomer who's used to handholding, but I cant imagine figuring out chocobo breeding and finding secrets like the knights of the round table summon or Vincent's level 4 limit break without a guide. Even Omnislash is practically hidden because 99% of players wouldnt go back and do the gold saucer arena when they're in the late game. I respect old games like this that hide so many secrets from the player but I also wonder how anyone manages to find them.

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Back in the day, Magazines (i.e. PSM) published game guides. Gamefaqs happened soon after.

No, we read the guides obviously we just said we didn't

None of that stuff is too obscure, and there's hints about chocobo breeding that you can find in the game. Its just a mater of trial and error to figure it all out on your own. People usually capped the timer at 99:59 if they were trying to figure it out without any guide.

games back then were literally designed to sell strategy guides. I always used them and it was still more fun than today's empty games

Enough PlayStation logos there euro homo? lmaooo

I capped the timer even with a guide

>he never got the usable masamune by beating onyx weapon found under the marsh accessible by breeding a white chocobo

The worst thing about Final Fantasy VII was the Dementors!

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I literally never knew Wutai was a thing until I replayed it for the third time last year.

There are certain items and equipment you can permanently miss which is questionable design unfortunately, a time of its age. But most of the stuff you can actually get by exploring and talking to NPC's. I accidentally found Vincent's limit 4 place without remembering it even was in the game on my last playthrough.
The girl at the chocobo farm tells you about chocobos that can cross rivers, mountanis, and the ocean. And the chocobo sage, albeit being in a somewhat hidden location, literally tells you every now and so often when you visit him the kind of chocobo you have to breed, which nuts you have to use and how to get the golden chocobo.

It was also a different time, people played games for longer periods of time, had more patience, devoted themselves to a single game more often...

Also guides.

What are you talking about? Aside from Chocobo breeding that is more tedious than difficult, all that shit is on the world map and you find by just exploring. The World map isn't that big.

based retard

it's on its own damn continent only accessible from the opposite side and three bridges

I didn't even get Vincent and Yuffie.

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My first time playing the game I didn't even get Yuffie or Vincent.

you're still a retard user

The only thing I didn't find, even in my replay of knowing the major stuff, is the Zack scene when Cloud re-joins in disc 2. Why the fuck would you ever go back down there?

Stuff missable like Tifa's shit you need to play on the piano for is probably something I never got as a kid. The mansion safe is a super easy puzzle in comparison.
Vincent seems hard to miss, but the only reason I got Yuffie was because I didn't know exactly where the story wanted me to go so I was searching for caves n shit and ran into the forest areas

how do you know what to say to yuffie without a guide?

the chocobo sage tells you exactly how to get an ocean chocobo

not him but pretty easy to trial and error that. you keep encountering her.

word of mouth and having a smaller selection of games to play. it was a different time

The guides i had didnt have how to obtain Alexander ot the secret cave wich have a vinncent event.

so are you for playing this garbage

People used to play games like this as much as people play online games like Fortnite or MMOs now.

lmao mad

Trial and error. I actually found it really funny that if you ask for her name, she steals from you and escapes while you're in the name edit screen.

fuck that shit. imagine playing ff8 without a guide at the deep sea facility

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>Stuff missable like Tifa's shit you need to play on the piano for is probably something I never got as a kid.
I spent an autistic amount of time learning to play the melody with proper rhythm and chords on that piano and I have no idea why.

I think the first time I played the door to Vincent's room just didn't open right away for me. So I just ran past and never gave it a second thought.

It's important to understand that in the era before online games, people who liked a game would play the absolute fuck out of their games. Checking every inch of shit because you just never know.

You would find most things by word of mouth from someone who had a guide. Most people got KOTR from ruby weapon’s chocobo, for example. Or you’d hear advice like getting beta early and assume it was someone pulling a my dad works at Nintendo
Fuck great gospel though.


lmao there's literally no way someone got great gospel without help. they design that shit so you were forced to spend $15 on a strategy guide.

I dont see the relation to yuffie but yeah i guess that would be annoying

No, that takes hours of testing.

Our friends told us, and they read it somewhere else

Lmao. Games had secrets and you could find them or buy a guide that would show you them. Nothing is ‘forced’, especially when the only reason you knew great gospel existed was because someone leaked the info to you from a guide