The peak of gaming

The peak of gaming.

Attached: Dear LOrd.png (1907x1037, 3.5M)

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What the FUCK is this? Why is he shirtless? Why are we allowing this?

Travis Scott saved my life. You don't understand his music like I do.

Attached: 1583938891589.jpg (311x162, 6.04K)

So is this the newest facet of games as a service? Virtual concert events?

Attached: Fortnite 2 - (1280x720, 2.36M)

Attached: Fortnite 2 - (1280x720, 2.95M)

I don't play it, but its genuinely impressive seeing fortnite branch out and partner with every popular form of media

If it was a giant anime girl singing Yas Forumswould be praising this as the greatest video gaming experience of all time.

weird, didn't think we'll make it to blade runner esq levels this early.

yeah, and the people praising it right now would shit on it. what's yoor point, faggot?

Yeah whatever you say fag. Yas Forums is mostly fortnite playing anime haying meme rapper listening newfags such as yourself so I don't think so.

I will now play your game

That the Yas Forums crowd are no less stupid even though they like to think they are.

Giga nig based

Because it would be

It's pretty cool even know, surreal as fuck

america's future is minorities
and it's beautiful

lol amerimutts worship niggers.

you right
at least it would be better to watch an anime girl than a monkey

>cute girl vs ugly mutt

my point is you have shit taste in games you zoomer faggot.

That Yas Forums comic about the jew selling black culture to whites is very applicable here.

>He doesn't watch giant girl mmd vids


Attached: Fortnite 2 - (1280x720, 2.74M)

its pretty cool if youre a fan. nice experience. but if youre a fan of travis scott and play fortnite, then there is no salvation for you.

Looks fucking sick, not even a fan of fortnite or Travis, but this is the best virtual concert in a video game, hands down.

This is like Blade Runner but for Americans

I'll hand it to the Fortnite art team. They gotta be among the best in the business right now.

It was prettycool imo. Still not a fan of rap but it was well put together


This shit was fucking cool and shows just how incredible unreal engine is. Anyone who thought this was stupid is the exact same person that bitches there feet hurt at a party