Filter or garbage?

Filter or garbage?

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Very good but overshadowed by its predecessors

Amazing story and spooks, but the gameplay is fucking horrendous and almost ruins everything.

Well, at least it's better than SH3 in certain aspects.

kino of the highest order

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This. Overshadowed, but also may have released on the tail end of that genre's golden era. Was a year later RE4 became the new model of success.

It's not garbage but the new contrarian thing is to pretend it's the best in the series. 1, 2, and 3 are on another level.

>amazing story

Both. It's basically the mgs v of the series, unfinished and rushed out, but the story is actually good.

Sorry, meant EXCEPT the story is actually good, unlike mgs v. But this was one of the earlier victims of Konami and their bullshit (don't know if kojima was in charge at this point)

I think it stands as the most interesting game in the franchise. Flawed but it was very original and it does some things really great like the apartment. Lots of people propably got filtered by the ghosts and limited inventory. It needed alot more development time, it really shows but its a great game.

50/50. As a package it's not all there but it at least tries to be more of a survival horror than the others.

the invincible ghosts scared the shit out of me as a kid

>not even a SH game during most of development
into the trash

Are you talking about SH1 or SH3?

Neither. It was a rushed game that had a ton of cool ideas but needed more time for them to be fully realized.

Why does this meme keep getting spouted? This isn't true, it was always a silent Hill game.

such as?

Twin Perfect

Should have been entirely in first person.

Massive pleb filter, very interesting and experimental. A lot of things people complain about are clearly by design, and are actually good, but the basic gameplay is way worse than its predecessors for some reason. Right up there with 2 in terms of story and probably would've been the best in the series if it had an extra year of dev time.

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Are you ok?

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I like the premise but as soon as I clear the first level after the "tunnel" and end up in that rain area my interest always falls flat. Hear it turns into an escort mission later that must suck.

Those earlier Silent Hill renderings are on a different level.

The story and the spooks. SH3 has better gameplay, leveldesign and a subjectively better protagonist but in my eyes Heather is just different not necessarily better.

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You should keep going, the first level is by far the worst in the game. The escort mission isn't NEARLY as bad as everyone says, she cant die, and you can just shut her in a safe room, do the whole area, then come back for her and leave.

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Just attack whatever she attacks. That's all there is to it. Give her the strongest weapon you have and curbstomp enemies that you attack together. This includes the main antagonist. He will need a breather which will allow you to escape.

Please play it, but be aware that this game was rushed out and it shows. (devs wanted way more time because they loved working on it)
You'll see A LOT of amazing concepts and ideas, some the best in the series, but feel sad when you realize there isn't more to them due to the game being pushed out too quickly. Compared to all of the previous games, this one makes you think harder about the backstories of the characters you encounter.

>not having an open world formula like SH1,2 and Origins

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It was the first SH I played, so it has a special place in my mind. I loved some very obscure details. The phone that keeps ringing in the apartment, the giant head that keeps staring at you, the paintings of neighbours.

However, some sections are pure trash