What if we took a serious stealth game series

>what if we took a serious stealth game series
>then, what if we took some random, unlikable character...
>and then, what if we made an epic and badass game about him cutting bipedal mass destruction tanks to pieces
>metal gear rising

a complete insult to the Metal Gear franchise.

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I've only played metal gear rising but it gives me a good opinion of the franchise.



Best game in the series.

>random, unlikable character
Protoganist of a game better than any Solid Snake got

>serious game series
>unlikable character

It's the only good Metal Gear game and even then it's like a 7, maybe an 8 at a push

>what if you made the game I wanted ever since I was a teenager using the HF Blade in MGS2 with Snake by my side blasting niggas with a machine gun, explaining his infinite ammo by pointing at his fucking bandana in one of the greatest scenes in all vidya, encapsulating in one perfect scene what I fucking LOVE about metal gear

Then you'd have my money, of course.

do kojima fags really?

And it's STILL the best metal gear
How did they do it?

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try to make a real argument, thanks


It's a spin off game. It wasn't trying to make stealth the core focus of gameplay. Besides, Kojima was already trying to 'redeem' Raiden by making him badass and gravel-voiced in MGS4.

>what if we took the absolute batshit insanity of Metal Gear Solid and instead of trying to be unironic, do it ironically and embrace the madness
No wonder it's so good.

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you are a faggot

are there other games with soundtracks that relate to the actual battle you are going through?

why did we never get that Grey Fox MGR2 game?

stay mad faggot
MGR is probably the most fun I've had with a game in years

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>what if we took a serious stealth game series
Yeah the series where they
1 use piss jokes almost every game
2 have shit jokes in at least 3 games
3 have characters like a fat man on rollerskates, a colonel who crabs peoples croches, A FUCING EX US PRESIDENT WHO HAS DR OCTOPUS TENTACLES AND KATANAS
I think if kojima did the whole game you would think its a masterpiece and kojima is a genious


>SERIOUS stealth game series

Are you huffing your own farts or something? Hayter's voice acting alone makes the series a joke.

you're gonna stop right there

That was never a thing, user. I don't even think there are any plans for MGR2 yet, or if there are they definitely haven't said anything about it.

the only good metal gear game


Even if you had a point about them shifting the genre focusing being detrimental to the series as a whole, and it's fucking not considering that it's a goddamn side game about a secondary protagonist from the main series set in the near future, the fact that the game is so much fucking fun completely invalidates your shit opinion anyway.

There you go. Now fuck off.

>t. has literally never even watched a single MGS cutscene
That or you're actually retarded, besides Raiden and his stupid edge is fun, especially when characters like Armstrong mess with him.
Metal Gear in general was always a mixture of comedic insanity and messages about individuals, ideals and society wrapped up in stealth games.
What sucks is that millions of people started sucking Kojimbo's dick so hard, he and his fans pretend he's a genius and that the games are unironically serious oscar winning epics.


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Furi is similar with unique tracks for every boss that dynamically change with every phase
There's no lyrics though if that's what you want

Not an argument

Which one was your favorite sub-weapon? For me, it's a tie between le stranger and the giant scissor cleavers.

I always stick with Mistral's weapon. It's great for Crowd Control.

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Raiden was a bad ass in 4 faggot

>obese character obsessed with explosives
>name him, fatman
I'll never understand how kojima-sama comes up with this stuff. What a visionary.

Ar Tonelico

>random unlikable character

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>Metal Gear Rising =/= Metal Gear Solid

>*gulp, gulp, gulp*
>Yum...good year

Platinum's ridiculous style fits the Metal Gear'verse better than modern Kojima does.

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The staff is better but I really, really like Bloodlust's super armor and combos. Charge up that bad boy and pop ripper mode just as you unleash the attack and watch everything in front if you get chopped in half. So fucking satisfying.

Not an responce

it's also a complete insult to gaming, specially the action genre. Platinum really shat up EVERYTHING with this turd.

This, unironically. Kojimadrones are delusional to think otherwise. The gameplay and storytelling is just so much above the rest of the franchise.

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MGR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MGS4, 5, and PW

>a complete insult to the Metal Gear franchise
You sure you're not thinking of Metal Gear Survive?

>nooooo every game in a series should play the same you can't make a spinoff

Not an english post.

Tied with 2 I think
Funny how Raiden's games are the best

It's ok to hate fun. Go read a dictionary or study airplane arrival times.

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Based fat rolleskating demoman.