Who has been your favorite Animal Crossing villager that you actually have in your town so far?

Who has been your favorite Animal Crossing villager that you actually have in your town so far?

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Chevre became my GF

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If you've got some villagers in boxes, post 'em. Out of Nook tickets.

post the room you're most proud of

Amelia is in boxes right now, anybody wants her?

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if you don't mind illigetimate ones I got a bunch in boxes.
raymond, anka, audi, felicity, fauna, chevre

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I want her so badly, literally the only villager that I would pay for on those villager slave trade communities. I would spoof but I'm not able to

what was the first animal crossing game you played

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poppy, she was my first villager that moved in randomly

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Can you take a villager in boxes if you have 10 villagers already?

I want Audie but im too autistic for illegitimate Villagers.

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Can villagers not leave without asking? I don't want to stalk my undesirables

My nigga Ozzie

I also have Zucker and I like Ozzie better as my lazy. Fite me

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Opening gates, dodo code is JMNKC

can you play as a bisexual turtle?

No clue honestly. Give it a shot if you have time to waste in cutscene hell

Can I invite from your island if I already have her at the campsite?

>have a friend who has spent about 80 NMT to find her
and he still hasn't gotten her

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new leaf

FUCK Boomer, he was the only villager to not give me a gift on my birthday, i hate the cunt.

I have no idea, why not give it a try?

I'll trade my Ozzie for your Zucker so you can have two Ozzies and I can have Zucker.

Of my current villagers, Francine and Annalisa are my favorite female and favorite male is Rocco

Just let Molly go and she's packing up.

She's nicer to me than my uchis. Also her house is amazing

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Okay, I'm gonna try and come over and see if I can get Chevre

I haven't seen ANY squirrels with NMT. I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

anyone with good prices open bros?

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If anyone wants this ugly fuck I have her in boxes right now

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Tie between ribbot and lily. One is just a bro while the other is too cute

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People are hacking them in so just wait a bit i guess

GameCube. All high test chads started on GameCube.

Try hard
>Wild World/City Folk
>New Leaf
>Happy Home Designer/Amiibo Festival
Ironically based
>New Horizons
Absolute Tranny Faggot

the OG, my nigger

this old man parrot is my favorite

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I went to the hacker island thinking it was just a cool giveaway, not realising it was hacked until I got there. Grabbed a few things anyway and left but now I feel like it'll ruin the game if I make lots of bells by selling them. I was thinking of just chucking them away into the trash or something.
Do you think it possible Nintendo will ban accounts that visited hacked islands through Dodo codes?

My nips selling for 602 Dodo code 1F57X if anyone needs to sell.


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When can I actually access Redd's funhouse? I donated the painting he gave me to Blathers

wild world, really wanted it for gamecube but i never had one when I was a kid

It would be fucked up. There will be plenty of people who go in not realizing it's hacked.

Gamecube had the best villagers, I felt like I could talk to a single villager 50 times and I would have something different each single time... and they would get pissed because I talk to them too much kek

In New Horizon, I talk to a villager like 5 times and they already repeated their dialogues it seems

Zell. First day hes out and about he gives me a rock guitar, so Zell is fucking a-okay cool in my book.

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No, they don't ban people who get wondertraded pokemon. You can trash them user

445, using nip exchange but the queue is short atm.


I'd aprecciate Aardman sheep more if she wasn't puke green

Lolly. She keeps sending me letters, giving me medicine, and clothes. and she calls me cupcake. I'm never letting her go

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Okay, I'll be there. I'll have to buy a plot from Nook first and set it out.

Yeah it was weird.

Cousteau and Goose felt different to me in my Gamecube town despite both being jocks.

hey do you know if you can take campsite villagers? I got Genji there

lolly and molly are probably the cutest villagers

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Charlise. My knee jerk reaction was "get the fuck off my island" but she grew on me very quickly.

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Just tried to get her, she asked to move but said she wasn't able to move in because I'm full, thanks for just having her there though

This one

Worth a shot. I don't know how that works, i can just save edit them in boxes.

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You can talk to them in another person's campsite and recruit them if you have an empty plot.

I'm sorry user but you're done for.
Might as well enjoy the money.

I've been searching for rabbits and only found my first one after 75 fucking tickets

I got a cherry blossom clock recipe
Any buyers?

keep in mind that there are over 400 different villagers you could encounter, so the probability is more likely than you think


And she shares her name with one of the greatest actresses of all time.

wow she's cute as a button

Sylvana. She's so cute.

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