What are some must have New Vegas mods?

What are some must have New Vegas mods?
Im already using jsawyer ultimate and the unofficial patch

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Makes enemies far less bullet spongey without breaking the balance of the game (RWD makes Deathclaws far too easy)

stop trying to turn a fallout 3 mod into STALKER, it will never work
install that one mod that makes enemies collapse when their legs are broken so you can then run up to them and curb stomp in VATS
it's fucking hilarious

>Asurah Weapon Animations and all the recommended mods in the description
>Xilandro's B240 mods
>Perhaps Solid Project (creator got pissy at some amateur tutorial and removed it) which you can find a mega link for it you google it, or:
>whatever mods competently add the features you'd like from Solid Project

>Asurah Weapon Animations and all the recommended mods in the description
I would but then i see 60+ recorded bugs on nexus, the mod itself tells you it will probably will be incompatible with a lot of stuff, i don't want to deal with that shit (even though its exactly what i always wanted)

>jsawyer ultimate instead of base
But why?

>60+ recorded bugs
>incompatible with a lot of stuff
just shit that changes animations I guess
Works fine for me with all the mods recommended here

It uses the script extender to implement it better

Who carves the slogan of a famous unit on their helmet when the famous unit is known for their distinctive, non-helmet headgear.

It also adds a whole bunch of unnecessary changes, though.

Dragbodys power armor mod

The dude updated it and made it way more similar to the OG, as well as an optional plugin to make it even more purist.

Like sprinting?
Just turn it off

The mods you mentioned (by unofficial patch, you mean YUP, right?)
Economy Overhaul
Just Mods Assorted
Some sort of exterior lighting mod (I'm using Nevada Skies with Reshade right now)
Interior Lighting Overhaul
Advanced Recon and FlashlightNVSE to help with navigating the darker nights and interiors
B42 Quickthrow
Immersive Minigames
lStewieAl's Tweaks
Pip-Boy 2501
Faster Pip-Boy Animations
Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod
Weapon Mods Expanded
Improved Transportalponder
FOV Slider
The Strip Open (and Freeside Open if it doesn't melt your computer)
Stimpack Hotkey
Arizona Slave Army
Lonesome Road True Faction Allegiance
Enhanced NPC Awareness, Cover Based Stealth, Combat Enhancer and Enemy AI - Tactics all used together
Automatic Weapons Fix
Real Recoil
JIP Companions Command and Control
And those are the most major mods in my load order. Yeah my modding addiction has gotten out of hand.
Obsolete since Titans of the New West is a thing now.

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That's good. I still don't know why he didn't include it to begin with.

I'm just nonplussed as to why someone would want to play the jsawyer mod, but not actually the jsawyer mod because it's updated by some other faggot.

lStewieAl's Tweaks is a must have. It adds many immersive mini-changes that should've been in the game from the very start.

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>I'm just nonplussed as to why someone would want to play the jsawyer mod, but not actually the jsawyer mod because it's updated by some other faggot.
pic related taken from the mod page

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I haven't played modded before and I've played it a shit ton on the 360. Is there any mods that make legion interesting to play as?

Enemies can Miss Too. Honestly bullshit the laser accurate shots everyone has bu default. That mod makes gunfights actually interesting.

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That's fair, but personally I don't think it's worth the tradeoff of the other changes. Why couldn't the guy just build jsawyer with better compatibility and then fork his own fucking mod?

Answer: to suck in retards who wanted the jsawyer mod.

There was also a mod that removed the hitscanning and made the npcs to shoot a real bullets.

Seconding this one
Its great seeing the bullet impacts throwing up dust everywhere

What ENB does Yas Forums like to use? For me it's a mix between Mojave and Rudy's.

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I've never had a problem with vanilla enemies being able too laser accurate and I don't understand this complaint. Some of the AI mods I use made the NPCs more inaccurate and I had to revert them back to normal because I could seriously stand out in the fucking open and not get hit.
>Why couldn't the guy just build jsawyer with better compatibility and then fork his own fucking mod?
What particular features of JUE don't you like? There's a purist version and anything that veers off into entirely new feature territory are configurable and disabled by default.
ENB is overrated.

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>ENB is overrated
Don't tell me you unironically enjoy that piss filter.

>Enemies can Miss Too
I find Deus Ex Weapon Spread better

>you need ENB to remove the piss filter

It's the easiest way to remove the piss filter though. On top of having nice lighting.

Visual mods are all trash.

BLEED is great though, just get the explosives don't always knockdown patch or whatever it's called.

What's the plugins limit for NV anons? I've just hit 113 and I'm afraid that one more will completely fuck up my game stability

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>It's the easiest way to remove the piss filter though
Not really. There's a myriad of weather mods that can be installed just like any other mod that gets rid of the piss filter. I'm using Nevada Skies with a reshade preset here.

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>Rudy's nights too dark
>crank up night brightness level in ENB options
>this also makes days brighter for some reason
>days have to be blinding for nights to be anything but Doom 3 tier

>how to make armor and guns irrelevant with a single mod

you can beat the game with a 9mm if you have BLEED


Armor actually means something in RWD.

You can beat vanilla NV unarmed, what's your point?

And that's bad because...?

Thanks !

Why are modpacks for Bethesda games so fucking dogshit? It takes on hour just to fix something you will literally never notice or see.

I'd gladly take RWD or Vicious Wastes because it makes armor and ammo worth a damn and firefights are still fast without being broken

That doesn't answer my question.

someguy series

>Installs one mod
>Fixes the issue you wanted to get rid off
>50 hours in-game later
>Causes a quest or stats related problems
>Completely breaks your playthrough and corrupts the save file

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You can get 150 with a mod.