How does Todd Howard feel knowing that no matter what, he will never be able to top this game?
How does Todd Howard feel knowing that no matter what, he will never be able to top this game?
Implying he didnt already top it. Uhh hello Skyrimchads?
skyrim is pathetic as an rpg and as a game
Todd doesn't give a shit. He's laughing all the way to the bank.
Oblivion is better than Fallout NV, though.
I put on god mode when I played that game and I dont feel any shame, couldnt be bothered with the combat so I just wanted to blast through all the enemies
New Vegas is white man's game.
he doesn't give a fuck, his terrible games have outsold new vegas 10:1
>implying he even LIKES vidya gaems
but noone remembers his shitty games and everyone remembers new vegas
at least here
>No one remembers his shitty games
Skyrim will always be more popular than new vegas, and more popular than most rpgs
just started playing this again, and i have never done an ending other than yes man after 1500 hrs, idk what the other endings even are, ive never done them and ive never been spoiled. now im doing an NCR run for the first time
i swear
the game is void of content theres literally nothing to do
melee combat feels like garbage
magic combat is garbage
stealth is not fun and is broken
Doesn't change the fact it still is more popular
too many double digit IQ people in the world
He topped it just a year later
i honestly would say i prefer skyrim, but in fallout NV is by far the best one yet, not really much competition though.
Isn’t 76 a good game now?
Sales dictate success
Skyrim and FO4 crushed NV in that regard
still sold more and that's all that matters to someone like todd
this game is fucking trash, stop lying to yourself
OP didnt say anything about success
liking new vegas doesn't make you smart
in fact, it's the most midwit rpg ever made
I just wanted a NV thread man, you ruined with that post, OP
i'm sure he cries himself to sleep in his piles of money
He topped it with Fallout 3.
You're practically on godmode once you get to a certain point in the game, even on very hard.
then make one, tranny
He shouldn't feel bad since Obsidian pretty just much just shoehorned Wasteland's lore into Fallout's narrative
How many fucking New Vegas threads do you need that you have to cry over one that doesn’t go your way.
Skyrim is as much a RPG as saying one apple is a full meal.
you mean it is an rpg?
Fallout 3 is better
You get full from one apple?
What are you; gay?
What was your favorite playthrough/build, Yas Forums?
>Fallout 3 is better
I don't think so!
Boreout Pee is not even in the same league as Fallout: New Vegas.
I don't know, I felt Fallout 3 did a better job at making a depressing and grimmy post-apocalyptic world.
New Vegas felt too cheesy and the world felt more alive for a post-apocalyptic world. Not to mention most of the side kicks are assholes.