Stoners ruined gaming.
Stoners ruined gaming
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stop making these tier threads you australian fucknugget
go back
Confirmed Election refugee
Quentin posting is probably older than you are faggot.
Left: based.
Right: cringe.
if people were getting blasted on booze and acting idiotic, to the point where they're clinking the ice right next to their mic just so you can hear it, it wouldn't be Yas Forums to tell them to shut the everloving fuck up about their drugs. there is no cultural sense of propriety or moderation with weed and it's super annoying to anyone who isn't smoking.
quentin is based and druggies are gross
to be fair Quentin is literally Q user and has infiltrated the US government by sheer force of trolling.
Notice how the stoner is using a controller while Quentin a keyboard.
Stoners arent druggies, in fact I prefer to associate with stoners over alcoholics, but I will concede that quentin is in fact based
based quentin STILL making stoner degenerates seethe
>stones aren't druggies
How...? They're literally drug addicts.
Reminder, Quentin legitimately thinks that the Devil May Cry reboot is a good game
Actually, third-worlders did. You can thank China, Russia, India and anyone below the United States for shitting it up.
It is.
quentin is obviously a cuck
weed isnt a drug
This. Simply put, people who take drugs regularly are druggies. It doesn't matter if it's heroin or advil, if you take it daily you are a druggie who has a dependence on chemicals to survive.
It is. Keep crying about Dante's black hair.
Stay delusional nigger.
Yes it is.
>Too newfag to know Quentin
You need to leave.
I dont care to get high. Its cool and all but its just not that alluring for me. I used to think i was cool with people getting high but then i played with friends for like 2 years who were always smoked pot every day. Its not fun for anyone but the high person. It really ruined my desire to play with them even after theyve stopped smoking a while ago.
holy shit if this is true
>still using the hair strawman
what does hair color have to do with this?
>be in higschool
>never wanted to smoke pot
>never wanted to drink
>find out that straight edge means you don't have sex
fuck that
straight edge are one of most insufferable people i ever seen. the quintesential killjoy
>I can't have fun unless I'm drugged
Sucks to be you.
It sounds like that friend did something else to you, something bad, and you've been looking for a reason to ghost them without airing your dirty laundry. It's good that you don't do drugs, but it's also important not to lie to yourself. What did they do, user?
Quentin literally did nothing wrong
Idk why stoners like letting you know they smoke so much, such a weird "hobby" Theyre generally just deadweight in the game but once and a while theres one whos pretty good.
Sounds like you should have smoked a blunt and chilled the fuck out autist LMAO
At last I truly see
There are far more ironic straight edge threads on Yas Forums than stoner threads though.
>4 ant size gifs smashed together
What the fuck am I even supposed to be seeing here? Just make a webm
And if you don't take it daily?
Quentin predates the election, nigger
This shit ruined Kara no Kyoukai for me. I will never be able to take it seriously ever again, everytime I see something related to KnK I just remember this scene.
This is so new it's honestly depressing
he's agreeing with you lad, he's saying that cunt is a newfag for not knowing
That's the point he was making, ESL-kun. Your reading comprehension is shit.
top fucking kek