Talk about mario maker 2, share levels. Anything just don't let thread die.
Talk about mario maker 2, share levels. Anything just don't let thread die
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Give me worlds that aren't automario kaizo music shit.
I'll repost my "world" then, I shared in the last thread. All traditional and themed around a mechanic, all SMW.
CYN 1-1 Bunker Buster MVP-5BL-YPG
CYN 1-2 Entangletree FCR-9VM-5MF
CYN 1-3 Swaying Airway LF3-HVF-9QG
CYN 1-4 Hammer Ground XDJ-9CV-D8G
CYN 1-5 Stalagmite Outpost 543-SM H-7XG (sm h is filtering to BAKA due to Yas Forums's wordfilter)
CYN 1-6 Coalescence 7HT-44H-22G
CYN 2-1 Dry Rolls S6F-39Q-WQF
Post spurdo and benis themed levels.
It starts trivially easy, but gets much harder later on.
I lent my switch to some1 to help em cope with Covid-19, so it will be awhile till I can play Mario maker 2 again
Yeah I have 33 traditional courses with 8 worlds, they’re all in the SMB3 theme, and each world is consistent if you’re interested.
Maker ID: 6DM-DC9-QTF
14 levels down, 26 to go. Bros, how do I keep making levels
I finally got around to making levels after owning the game for about 2 months. just trying to make some basic stuff at first. To lazy to get my Switch right now to get the codes
>no secret exits
>no warps
>only get one set of pipes per map
>pipes don't have a mini transition level
>can't hold on to your powerups between levels or in an inventory
>bonus houses only give 1ups
>no moving airship levels
>no locks and keys
>no breakable rocks leading to new areas
>no bonus minigames appearing when you get a certain amount of coins/ points
>no roving hammer bros
>no mini fortresses before the main castle
>no rescue/ capture missions appearing in levels you've already beaten
>no switch plates that affect previously played levels
>limited to a small grid with perfectly square land tiles and barely any customization
>this is the "final major update" to the game
What a waste of potential.
I have had a rough time the last couple of weeks, but I am finally going to start playing Mario Maker again!
Missed the start of the update, but I am hopefully going to have one world done soon, and hopefully 8 worlds at some point however long it'll take.
Most of the things you listed is a good thing they didn't add it
Don't rush it.
Haven't been able to get the creative juices flowing lately. I'm not good at making traditional levels so I'll have to get good at that first if I want to make a full world.
In the mean time I'll post some of mu old levels.
>T3W-TTD-7YG uncleared speedrun with snowballs.
>NRJ-463-4RF carry the bomb level
>0WC-L4P-0KG ride the boat
>WKH-VDW-JJF traditional level with bumpers
>TWQ-M8Y-VYG trad. level with pokeys
Maker ID in case you want to try my other levels. I tend to do gimmicky levels based around one mechanic.
You'll have a ball playing it this level!
The bouncy balls lemmy summons are really cool, too bad you can't place them alone
You might have seen it in an earlier thread, but my WIP Super World has generally gotten positive reception so far. (Barring a few people who get filtered by the boss fights.)
How do you add ninji on the world map? Can you leave messages on overworld? Can you change music? What happens if someone plays your worlds and lose all lives? Can you name your mario world? Can people rate your world? Do people see level descriptions on world? Is there still a 3 1 up cap in world? Can you replay levels in world?
I played a few of these. Fun levels but i'm getting the feeling that you are "overtesting" them. You come up with cool obstacles, then grind them until they feel trivially easy to, which causes you to add stuff to them because you feel they are too easy otherwise. This causes you to make your levels more spammy than they need to be.
1. You don't. They just appear. People aren't sure why.
2. No.
3. No, unfortunately.
4. They lose their checkpoints in the current level.
5. No, it's named for your account.
6. No.
7. No.
8. No
9. No, but it's easy to find the creator and see their level list, so it's not a huge deal.
>ask for world maker
>get world maker
kys virgin
To be fair, it does feel rather slapdash compared to what you'd think Nintendo is capable of. It's obviously a feature added due to demand, rather than something that was planned from the word go.
youre a good friend user
Okay, I just uploaded the following level. Anyone want to give it a go?
I like how world maker is done, it's nice being able to curate your levels in a proper playing order rather than people encountering random levels of yours that may be too difficult to start off with
Star coins would be nice though
Don't get me wrong. I'm not knocking the addition. I went from a literal nobody to 33rd on the weekly leaderboards due to people actually liking my levels when played in order.
It's just a shame that it's still held back by Nintendo being Nintendo.
I've played both Mario Makers since release and I would gladly trade every user level I've ever played for one real mario game. I dont know if i want to say these games outright suck, but either people dont have the right tools to make good levels or the right skills, but either way as an end user the value proposition on these things is terrible
>that level with the falling moles
>the exploding bombs level
>that wario land level
yo this is good
Time to shill
F8Y-1NQ-J7G (my world, only one so far)
A small collection of maps I made. Unfortunately there is no overarching theme. There is one optional level that took quite a bit to beat that noone has beaten yet. Give it a try.
Also a new course that uses the fact that you can carry chain chomp
A Phanto level that can be a little challenging.
A SMB3D level that uses the rocket power up and the fact that you need to bounce off enemies heads to get to the other side.
Mario with the cannon power up. Simple run n gun
Using the goomba hat, get through a hoard of enemies without getting caught.
Later planning something with SMB3 and SMW using their new power ups.
You're not wrong, but I like the feeling of mastering an specific mechanic/obstacle, which is why I enjoy "grinding them out". Thank you for your feedback.