You have 5 seconds to convince me Doomguy won't be in Smash

Attached: Inevitable.jpg (2479x2479, 805.87K)

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oh shit uh uh i only have 5 seconds uhhhhhhh uh POOPIE STINKIEEEE

Laugh at the juxtaposition.

Doomguy will be in smash.

Everytime i want to argue against a smash rep i remember that there is a fuck ton of FE characters and think anything but another one of those fucks would be a good addition

Epic cute dynamic duo :33333

Attached: EA42mJJXYAEzxWF_(2).jpg (1172x659, 56.48K)

They unironically are.

Smash Bros. is a game about Nintendo characters and popular adjacent Japanese third party IPs

In the twenty or so years that Smash has been around, there's only been one fully western character in Smash. And it's the one that used to be a Nintendo mascot.

unironically kys

Honestly OP? Too bloody and mature for Smash.
Kazuma Kiryu from the Yakuza series had one of the strongest case of getting in Smash, but back before Ultimate was even released Nintendo wouldn't allow it 'because he's too mature to be in Smash and should try Tekken instead'.

Now apply that to Doomguy, who is worse yet, a Western character.

Cope, seethe, and dilate in that order.

Japanese people don't play FPS games, they're mainly console and mobile gamers and easily get motion sickness
In the 35 years of Nintendo consoles they made one shooter and it's more like a paintball territory control game than a FPS
They mostly know Doomguy as green samus which is ironic since they don't really like Metroid games over there either

how the fuck do I know?
I admit it would be dope

Literally his entire schtick would be ruined. He cannot RIP, not can he TEAR.

It would just be a pointless watered down version at best, that would feel lame to play.

Tbh I’d just prefer doom music

Because there's a more marketable violent gajin choice.

Attached: dab-1154319-1280x0.jpg (1280x753, 70.04K)

I can't, because he will.

They actually do, look at their social media and also Famitsu sales. Doom Eternal apparently sold quite a lot there, and they do have their own history of love for the genre, though not as much as westerners.

>kill heckin wholesome borker floofer pupperino doggo
>drops 1x copy of DOOM: Eternal

Attached: isasoyboy wojak.gif (671x978, 57.79K)

haha look isabelle is swearing!

based and truthpilled

he's too good for that shit

Why don't we take that good joke and do it again?

Why does a simple joke make Yas Forums seethe with rage?

Doomguy >>> that weeb bait


>haha funny
Was it even supossed to be funny ?
I thought the point was two diferent fandoms showing broship with fanart not to make a memr


This is a good video

like it or not but if doomguy's appearance rate was let's say 50% before this meme its probably more than 85% now, it probably helps both Eternal sand 2016 have sold really fucking well

I will be really, extremely shocked if doomguy isn't in also rayman

this top notch holy fuck ahahahah

the graph says people want more fire emblem characters

if doom smash trailer isnt something like this why do even bother to have him in the game

Because it's not purely a Yas Forums meme and that triggers the autist without fail.


yeah. Thats the joke. pointing out the joke as if you don't like it doesn't make you cool