Anti Aliasing: Yes/No

>Anti Aliasing: Yes/No

Attached: j.jpg (513x574, 94.31K)

no. fuck aa

all I need

at least it's not
>AA: High/Low

>graphics : on/off

>devs literally starting to rely on heavy AA blur to hide shitty graphics

MSAA > a jillion light sources covered in vaseline

As long as its not TAA. I don't understand how anyone can think TAA looks good.


AA is the stupidest shit. Almost as bad as vsync.

>yes please just smear the shit out of the edges on everything so realistic oh is that some input delay mmh yes don't mind if i do

shame it's mostly unusable with modern engines without incurring a performance penalty that's worse than supersampling

and that's why you generally don't see it as an option anymore

>Preset: Lowest

Attached: GX19BGI_166260_800x800.png (800x800, 520.48K)

Attached: aa yes.jpg (926x78, 18.2K)

>put settings to lowest
>it unironically looks better

Attached: .png (672x738, 17.6K)

Alright I know this is from a fucking porno. Give me the sauce right now.


Attached: 2.png (819x824, 22.1K)


Attached: Just Jordan.jpg (992x975, 113.14K)

4k monitors hardly need one
Upscaling > Msaa
Msaa > Taa
Msaa min 2
Taa min 4
Fxaa is not AA

is temporal AA bad? redpill me on this please.

>game runs bad
>crank up the graphics for testing
>it now runs buttery smooth


Attached: 1585617578997.png (1416x2145, 1.19M)

>motion blur: yes/no/maybe
>setting is greyed out

Attached: as.jpg (569x398, 56.75K)

>Graphics: on/off

>antialiasing off
>HDR off
>motion blur off
>tessalation off
>depth of field off
if you don\t play games like this, your mother deserves to die for ever giving birth to you shit for brain

tell me the womans name you niggers reverse image search has nothing

Attached: 4yvxyvtks0441.jpg (1545x869, 270.34K)

But is coffee good for you?

there it is. the most retarded thing I'll read all day.

I hate motion blur, why the fuck does it even exists? It looks terrible, makes it hard to see the fucking VIDEOgame and makes it more graphically demanding.

>game defaults to low preset
>it stutters
>put it on ultra
>same framerate, no longer stutters

Attached: 1587288702443.jpg (235x214, 3.96K)

>why the fuck does it even exists?


thisit's bearable on a big screen from a distance of several feet
but even then it's unecessary bullshit

>Preset: Low/Lowest/Even Lower/Lowest of the Low/DDR4

Attached: Half_Life_Alyx_Alyx_Vance_in-game_model.png (722x754, 618.24K)

Blame GTA 3 and Vice City for making that shit standard to hide framerate.