Turn on ps4

>turn on ps4
>fans sound like an airplane taking off

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The bonex sounds like a gentle rainshower while playing RDR2 at 4k comfy af

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luckily my ps4 doesn't do that often

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that's a rootkit

I like plane taki.g off

>Buy shitty system made to scam people
>Surprised when shitty system is shitty
But freedum works, doesn't it? burger.

>Turn off PS4
>Turn on PS2

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>Turn off ps4
>turn on ps2
>Ps2 collapses and turn in flames because shit's older than your whore mum at this point

Yup. When 7th gen was released I decided to never buy another console again. I'll still turn on the PS2 occasionally though.

My friend that is like you did that, but with a ps1. Just a few months ago, he called me to tell me the news.
Ps1 just died. How long will your trash console survive, anonymous? why didn't you stop the jews, anonymous?

>plug in PS2
>realize i have no tvs in my house with the correct input for my PS2 anymore

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An adapter is cheap to buy, poorshit.

>Enter an obviously graphically intensive area
>Enter a tiny room with hardly anything in it
Every time.

>analog to digital latency
>on top of tv latency

I fell for the 8th generation meme and top of all, with an Xbone.

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Cope with it or emulate like any sane person. Or just stop being poor as well and buy an old tv, you know.

I want to have sex with Akko. Thank you for reading. Also anything past PS2 sucks.

Shut the fuck up and die

Do you have a PC yet?

Yeah, I don't buy consoles anymore. They no longer have special hardware devs take advantage of to do cool shit. Fuck them.

I want you to die painfully. Also every video game sucks, specially your childhood favorites.

it's sounds gentle because it's never on, because no games

What the fuck is RDR2? some netflix show?

My room is poorly insulated and we have a really old heating system so I just let my ps4 run continuously and it keeps my room warm during winter.

Bless you.

>Have a fan or two going off in room for white noise and circulating cold air
>Can't hear consoles sound like a jet engine
>Except PS3

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>just Akko

I’d get her friends involved.

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>Turn on Dreamcast
>Disc drive sounds like a shredder having a mental breakdown

He better come.

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No need to sperg

When was the last time you cleaned out the dust?