Thoughts on auto-crouch jump?
Thoughts on auto-crouch jump?

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It was a stupid boomer mechanic and thats why I dropped that shitty game in the first place years ago

ok DSP

it would make sense, I get that it's supposed to be Half Life brought up to Half Life 2 standards, but not even HL2 had that much crouch jumping. Just replace it with mantling like every modern game does.


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I don't use it but anyone complaining about it is an out of touch boomer.
Whenever i explain to someone that they need two buttons to jump they look at me like I'm a fucking retard

People would script this back in the days too so why get upset


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hahahahahahaha you couldn't crouch jump ahahahahahahaha

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Dude you had like 45mins left, why?

>Changing your entire game to cater to one guy who's job is to act like a retard on purpose for clicks
Why are game devs so fucking stupid?

you can disable it shitposter kun

Because this is forced on everyone just because one Youtuber was a retard.

You can disable it lmao

Hmm so how about have it off by default and give the option to turn it on, instead of the other way around?

the first thing any non zoomer shit-for-brains does when he boots up a game is go straight to the options menu
makes no difference to me what they set it to.

Literally a non-issue. If your first instinct after playing video games, let alone PC games, for more than 5 years isn't to go to the options menu when you first boot up a video game, then that's on you. But let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say you "forgot" to go to the options menu. When you feel something off during the game, about jumping in Black Mesa, then you go to the options menu to check it out.
>Auto-crouch jump: on
The normal reaction is
>Wtf that's lame. Off that shit
And then life goes on. Non-issue.

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Fuck off Phil.

That is exactly why, the idiot who wants it enabled is actually so stupid that they don't know how to change settings. Now think about the fact that the devs are primarily catering that kind of person as their target audience with you left aside as "Eh let them deal with it"
Why would you put up with that bullshit?

This is what happens when console players switch to PC

because as i said it doesnt affect me. i go straight to the options menu anyway before i even start a new game.

>Why would you put up with that bullshit?
You're right. Let's make some picket signs and march straight down to Crowbar Collective and make them change it! Why don't you start?

It was a nice fix. The old free version had such a pitiful jump height that normal jumping was useless. I don't mind crouch-jumping here and there, but it was irritating to do it for every simple task.
If you go to HL2 and try to jump on top of one of those explosive barrels, it's easy to do it even without crouch jump. BM Gordon couldn't do it, and struggled to get on top of the barrel even if you tipped it over.

Or just don't give them your money.

Refer to my other post, then:

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Why would you give your money to devs who hate you and would rather pander to a retard like DSP? Pathetic.

Who said I gave any money to anyone? Do you unironically believe I'm cucked enough to pay for a game that was meant to be free from the start and then took some 5 years to come out after going behind a paywall?

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Good lad, sorry for assuming.

>auto-crouch jump

the absolute state of gaming

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>Auto crouch

He doesn't even play PC games tho

have they automated the long jump as well?

Yes. It activates after five seconds of continued sprinting, which you need to hold shift to do.

It makes absolutely no difference. Anyone mad over auto crouch jump is just desperate for controversy and a reason to feel smug.

>Anyone mad over auto crouch jump is just desperate for controversy and a reason to feel smug
You mean like being so mad that you mad a video ranting about how hard crouch jumping is, and complain so hard that you force the devs to change their entire game to accommodate you? Imagine that..

here's your petty (you), you look like you need it

Wait did people really have that much trouble crouch jumping?

Normies/console spastics are complete retards. Same thing with GTA:SA's train mission its not hard at all but they cemented this meme about how hard it was. These people lack basic motor skills and believe its the games fault.

DSP is an idiot that rages over everything is nothing new. Adding an auto crouch-jump option and enabling it by default isn't anywhere fucking close to "changing their entire game", are you stupid?

... doesn't anyone serious edit the bind files to achieve the same effect anyway ?
I can't remember a credible situation where you would *not* want to be crouched while jumping, so yeah.
A mechanic that take next to 0 skills and literally 0 decisions should be trimmed.

ah non-issue since you can turn it off.
i've been playing source shit for years, so crouch jumping is just a habit.