Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XV are why I have no interest in Final Fantasy VII remake.
Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XV are why I have no interest in Final Fantasy VII remake
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At least you have to hold a button.
In Dragon Quest 11, you don't even have to do that.
Final Fantasy 7 however is not as stupid like this. You have to - you know - actually play?
>Two games where you hold X to win are why I have no interest in a game that requires skill to win
Nah, it’s the same shit
I don't blame you.
Fuck Tabata for casualizing XV:
Screenshot of top secrets completion time pls
Yeah, still braindead though. Even journalist tier gamers have finished the game by just bashing their heads and spamming limit breaks.
>In Dragon Quest 11, you don't even have to do that.
What was that one final fantasy game for snes with the job system?
Make everyone a monk with auto-berserk and the game plays itself.
7 is the same way despite not having a job system. the auto attacks outclass every magic in the game, they're insanely op. you just hold circle the entire game. and later in the game you get 2x/4x attacks per turn on a single character.
When I got my first summon in 7 I was surprised how little damage they do for 20 something mp.
Absolutely useless.
You can set it to Auto Battle.
>Dragon Quest 11 plays itself if you tell it to play itself
that's not at all similar to ff15
The saving grace for me is that unlike XIII and especially XV I don't get mad and want to drown the 7R party.
XV was the best game to ever come out of the franchise.
this but unironically
the bromance is too beautiful and no other game will have that
The Final Fantasy XV battle system is much more than that.
Like Arminger Unleashed, magic alchemy, combo attacks, parry and counter attack, characters switch, chain attacks, and eventually Summons.
If you think to start a battle with the most powerful enemies and think you can seriously win just holding the circle button VS Naglfar Lv. 120 or VS Omega in the Insomnia ruins, you will die for sure.
top 15 for sure
You sure you want to stand by that? There's the FF Tactis and the sequels and Crystal Chronicles ontop of the numbered entries.
if they would have used ff7r's combat system in those games there would have been at least one thing redeemable about them
I agree.
Final Fantasy XV is currently in my personal Top 3 Best Final Fantasy game ever made
easy just slot fft and cc where the mmos are
XIII isn't nearly as bad as everyone says, even as a low point for the series. It's better than fucking III, and even XII.
VIIR and XV are really good.
Only FF games I've tried after 9 were 10 and 12. Couldn't finish either. Both feel like terrible slogs.
on FF7R you at least have to tap.
Okay guys srs answers only. Ff15 is in sale for 18 bucks the royal edition. Should i buy it if i hatee ff13 but love ff12, 9, 6, and 4, tactics and CC, thanks
Absolutely not if you hate XIII
For 18$ you can play the complete edition one of the most beautiful Final Fantasy ever made.
Absolutely yes.
Final Fantasy XV is much more enjoyable Final Fantasy game than FF13....
you're missing out. ff7r arguably has the best combat system in the series - at very least, it's up there on the list. it's like night and day compared to "hold o to win."
Final Fantasy XV has a much better battle system than FFVII Remake and especially than FFXIII.
FFXV>>>>>>FFVII Remake>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FFXIII
Yes. Don't listen to all those faggots telling you otherwise.
Fuck off Barry