Where should I start?

Where should I start?

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As a general rule, release order is a good bet for most series

By not buying any of those kusoge.

With step number 1

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Start and finish with Nyamota.

Sankaku complex

Is it really a good series or just weeabo garbage?
I actually considered about playing the whole series, I always people praising it but at the same time when I ask opinions about some of the games, they always respond me with "it's a bit mediocre, 5/10"
How can people praise it so much if all their games are always mediocre?

Rebirth 1

>How can people praise it so much if all their games are always mediocre?

You shouldn't

Recycling bin

they are all trash visual novels and trash videogames. Terrible localization too

Play the first one, I doubt that you will continue.

The latest one. They are all exactly the same.

None of this is helpful UwU

trust this one UwU

It's shit. The very first game was a legit 2/10 and after all these years they've only crawled their way up to a 5/10. The asset use is absurd even within a single game, let alone across different games. The characters are shallow and boring even by slice of life standards, and the localisations are garbage. The combat is invariably seemingly convoluted only to turn out being disappointingly simple once you figure it out. There are item creation systems that are completely worthless because you need to go out of your way to grind materials to make use of them when the equipment you make through them is rendered worthless by the next tier of shop equipment you could've just gotten by progressing the story five minutes instead. The post-games are Disgaea levels of grind with none of the complexity.

It's a franchise of mediocrity from a developer that has never risen above mediocrity and they've sold purely based on Tsunako's character designs and shitty memes.

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>How can people praise it so much if all their games are always mediocre?
cute waifus
funny lighthearted story
mediocre gameplay
which makes it a decent game to just relax on, nobody calls nep games a masterpiece because they're not but they're still very much enjoyable games, now go pick up rb1 if you don't like that you may as well give up but if you do you'll enjoy all the other games

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The porn, The games are trash.

Games are painfully mediocre but it's a guilty pleasure of mine. Never played any of the spin-offs though, just re-birth 1, 2, 3 and currently playing VII. Dropped 2 though, didn't like the cast much but Nepgear has grew on me during 3.

Introduce yourself!

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Is 4 goddesses online as bad as the rest?
I've only played rebirth 1

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From your wrists. Remember: down the road not across the street.

what one do i buy if i want to play a single game to dip my toe into this and then never look back

According to
Rebirth 1

Its very mediocre, okay at first, but overstays its welcome and starts to drag. The anime sucks too. Honestly, the only reason you'd want to place this is because you must be incredibly bored, are easily entertained, or desperate to fit in.

Play Hyperdimension Neptunia. If you absolutely can't stand the slow combat and everything feeling kinda jank, switch over Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2. If you then feel that, no, you can't skip the first game giving context to this, play the remake of the first one, Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 1.

Do you care for light spoilers of earlier games as in what was the major threat in them and people that appeared? If you don't, play Megadimension Neptunia VII (the fourth game in the main series). It's the best in the series. This is where I would actually recommend you start. Don't mistake it for VIIR though, that's an inferior remake of it.

If you want a standalone spinoff story to try, that isn't connected to the rest of the series at all, but which doesn't have many hiccups and also plays like the rest of the series, play Superdimension VS SEGA Hard Girls.


Seriously see , honestly thought they'd be at least decent but it really is re-used asset hell. If you want the cute girls, go play the idol game at most. Otherwise its just endless, aimless grinding that could be spent on something far better.

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The start?

1. is this game worth playing?

2. does it have a clearly defined beginning and ending, that leaves me satisfied?

3. is it fun?


1. No
2. No
3. No