look at this dumb fat bitch, i make sure to get her killed every playthrough
Look at this dumb fat bitch, i make sure to get her killed every playthrough
josh did nothing wrong
That stupid cunt killed my man Chris! And Jess is the best girl.
literally a movie game
Sam is a good choice and she has good taste in music.
What game
Emily best girl
suck my clit first
She was realistic. I liked her.
Not 'til sunrise
I think shes cute. Also
I can't find anything on that. Stop fucking with me.
Until Dawn. Made by the incompetent fucks that made Man of Medan afterwards, which is even worse.
Before Dusk
(Dead) By Daylight
let me guess, american?
For me, it's Jess Shame she didn't get more screen time
Probably referring to that ass
ashley is best girl. assblasted chrisfags need not apply.
Until Dawn was great pleb boy. Perfect balance of schlock and genuineness. The characters were excellently done too.
Nah Yeh
Starting from the top left, going clockwise...
Marry, kill, kill, fuck
She had a role in shameless where she shows her titties to a kid in a summer camp
Prewtty hott
marry, fuck, kill, kill
fuck and kill, fuck and kill, fuck and kill, fuck and kill
Fuck, Kill, Mary, Kill
none of their names are Mary... are you ok user?
Its not? I am sorry, I was distracted by her delicious ass in those tight jeans the whole time.
whose? your mom's?
Oh, I wish she was my mom. Even better a stepmom.
Butts in this game are great
Ah, yes... a fellow patrician. It's been too long since I've met one of my own kind.
For me it's Sam
Damn I dont even remember the girl in the bottom right. This game really was forgetable and shit.
Fuck, kill, ?, kill