Game has romance options

>game has romance options
>none of them are canon in the sequel
>canon one is some literally who original to the sequel

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>canon one is some literally who original to the sequel
This is good when all the romance options in the original are shit to begin with.

>canon one is new one
>next game loads previous or defaults to none

>game has romance options
>all of it gets thrown away at the end since everyone except the protagonist and his now deadbeat mentor were just acting

>game has sequel
>you plays the love interest of the first protagonist

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We JUST had this thread

>protagonist is gay in the sequel

I get it bro, you want to fuck a 14 year old girl, now stop spamming these threads

Why she is s hot?

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Because you're a pedo

is this the new marianette thread

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>Protagonist get the girl at the end of the game
>broken up in the sequel

Witcher 3

What did the citizens of the french republic, land of the franks, mean by this?

Teen girls are cute and horny.

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What show/movie/game?

Based and hornypilled

TV show.
Miraculous Ladybug.

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What is up with french people making cartoons about cute girls in skintight suits doing action stuff with lewd undertones?
Not that I'm complaining

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>game has romance options
>you play as a female

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is this an edit or straight from the show?


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And thank God for that, Safiya > all hoes from NWN2 combined.

Edit, the show is more subtle about the lewd references.

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What do you think, user?

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Imagine watching Yas Forums garbage as an adult. With anime I can at least understand the autists watching it because it was made for neckbeards to begin with but Yas Forums shit was made for children. Absolute fucking degenerates.

how is a kiss on the cheek lewd?

>complaining about degenerates on fucking Yas Forums of all places
you have to go back

You mean Kaelyn

>2 ladybug threads on Yas Forums
>no threads about better shows.

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french cartoons are hilarious m8 just admit you're a pleb. wakfu had more weird fetishes in it than fucking fakku

Not lewd, just posted a random webm.

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>those fucking eyes on the chink
lmao, this is how anime should look like


Is that blood thing true. Is that why you always see the anime protags blood type and shit. I never really got why they did that until now.

Yas Forums has different types of degenerates. But if you want to associate with Yas Forums /mlp/ and Yas Forums degenerates then be my quest.
That's like the fucking retards that call people plebs for not appreciating the fine art of wrestling. Just admit that you have shit taste and are a degenerate.

>aryan boy
>half asian half white girl

The pairing of most ultimate beings.


Kagami is Japanese and Marinette is half Chinese.

Attached: Kagami and Adrien.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

Yeah, blood types are basically Japan's version of astrology

she's imagining the yoghurt as adrien's cum

Happa women are scum
Worse than white women honestly